The teleportation of an obese English psychic is featured along with more tales of teleportation and bi-location throughout history.
We also look at the latest from the Baltic Sea expedition, innovations of tomorrow, and more inexplicable synchronicities.
Read on for show notes, music, and books.
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Brazil: The Man Who Woke Up on a Rock – A Thousand Feet in the Air
Vatican publishes guide on how to deal with 'supernatural phenomena'
32 Innovations that will Change Tomorrow
UPDATED: Girls Were Playing “Ghost Train” When They Were Killed On Tracks
What is the creepiest, most inexplicable thing that has ever happened to you?
ScreamBody – The Portable Organ That Lets You Scream Without Disturbing Anyone
Why you probably won’t experience your own traumatic death
Japan 'diet glasses' fool wearers into eating less
Inofaith - Hello You (Preview) via Indie Shuffle
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