After Sasquatch steals some cookie dough and ruins a man's camping trip we look at more cases of Yeti abductions in the Himalayas before using the location as the perfect opportunity to talk about Tibetan 'walk-in' Lobsang Rampa.
Flying humanoids are also featured along with strange hums in Seattle and the professional sportsman's perception of time.
Read on for show notes, music, and books.
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Time Really Does Seem to Slow Down for Athletes
Why top sport stars might have 'more time' on the ball
Strange hum keeping West Seattle awake
What exactly is the 'Vashon Hum'?
Bigfoot Launches Man into Middle of Tent
Man recalls being picked up while child in Mohican Memorial Forest
Tim R. Swartz and Timothy Green Beckley on T. Lobsang Rampa and the Walk-ins
Chile: A Flying Humanoid over Santiago
The Mysterious Flying Humanoids
The mysterious creatures ‘Flying Humanoids’
"Language of Light" 528 Hz Miracle Solfeggio Transmissions - Ascension Activation
Genii Townsend and Wes Annac to Speak at 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona
Robot Koch x Submerse Void (Cosmic Waves - Project Mooncircle 2012) via Super45
BusCrates 16-Bit Ensemble – FunkTropolis via Moovmnt
No Tv No Radio - Welcome via Escafandrista Musical
CHLLNGR - Datter (Bam Spaceys Desert Air mix) via Sound Injections
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