Headlines broke this week reporting Russian DNA evidence of the Siberian Yeti. Was it just another media circus from Siberia or did the 'evidence' hold up to scrutiny?
We also investigate reports of luminous objects repeatedly spotted along the Tibet/India border coupled with sightings of robotic flying humanoids in the region.
Read on for show notes, music, and Mer-angels.
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Sasquatch in Siberia? Hair found in Russian cave 'belonged to unknown mammal closely related to man'
Action man Putin felled by mystery injury
VIDEO: A Bigfoot sighting in Provo Canyon?
Phone interview: Bigfoot sighting in Provo Canyon?
Strange tale: Ojibwa tale of a 'Skyman' visitor may have been alien
Mystery Sighting Spooks Soldiers
Himalaya UFO Activity: Mysterious Objects Alarm Indian Soldiers
Mistaken Foreign Myths about Shambhala
Watching horror films burns nearly 200 calories a time
William Mistele on communing with 'Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes and Salamanders'
Franz Bardon Hermetics, Fairy Tales, and Transpersonal Psychology
Mermaid Woman Interview: Rachel, 1 of III [VIDEO]
Seven Chakra Reading [VIDEO]
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