MU Podcasts IJan 23, 2015

13.03 – MU Podcast

MU+ Extended

This week Shadow app founder Hunter Lee Soik and consciousness researcher Ryan Hurd join us to discuss the future of dream research and the quest to build the world's largest dream database.

We also feature the latest from Microsoft's Hololens technology, the future of augmented reality, and the theory of pansychism.

dream2 dream1

Hunter Lee Soik

Ryan Hurd


Plus+ Extension

The extension of the show is exclusive to Plus+ members. To join, click HERE.


Benjamin Grundy

Benjamin Grundy started Mysterious Universe back in 2006. Every week he researches the fortean world and puts together the weekly free MU podcast, extended podcast and Plus + podcast alongside Aaron Wright.

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11.02 – MU Plus+ Podcast

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