MU Podcasts IJun 05, 2021

25.22 – MU Podcast – Quantum Flop

Free MU Podcast
MU+ Extended

New knowledge of physics suggest we may be living in a multidimensional universe with new dimensions being created with every decision we make. What if we could access these dimensions and alter the course of our own realities? We discuss a new form of self help that suggests we can do precisely that and move to a reality that is better suited to our wants and desires.

Then for our Plus+ Members we honour the late UFO researcher Timothy Green Beckley and hear some of the wildest and unusual cases he has ever covered; including the story of a country singer who was told to write a song during his encounters with the Men in Black.


Plus+ Extension

The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE.

Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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