MU Podcasts IDec 18, 2021

26.24 – MU Podcast – EM Contagion

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MU+ Extended

Hallucinations can be terrifying and can cover a wide spectrum of paranormal like phenomena; but simply because they are happening the mind may not make them any less real. We discuss the controversial theories of a group of researchers who think there is a strong connection between mind bending electromagnetic influences and paranormal experiences. We also describe how EM energy might facilitate the contagious transfer of poltergeist experiences.

For our Plus+ members we hear stories of the herd like movements of the stars, Burmese astrological cross dressing and spirit negative energy composting.


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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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