Jun 14, 2024 I Paul Seaburn

Underground Humanoid Species, Bigfoot Footprints, Men in Black Visit, Taylor Swift's Shadow Being and More Mysterious News Briefly

A roundup of mysterious, paranormal and strange news stories from the past week.

The UAP Disclosure Fund, a new nonpartisan nonprofit political action group, was launched earlier this month to advocate for UAP transparency and whistleblower protection legislation in the U.S. government; this week, Yuan Fung, the Executive Director, announced he will support pro-UAP candidates, regardless of their party, in upcoming party primaries and the U.S. elections in November 2024 if their positions are threatened – an example is Representative Tim Burchett, a UAP advocate whose work to add UAP language to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 was blocked by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Representative Mike Turner. Will this battle change if aliens arrive and form their own political party?

Much attention has been given recently to the existence of Dyson spheres in our galaxy that intelligent civilizations might be using to capture their star’s energy and thus reveal their presence to us, but astronomers studying more than 5 million stars from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, Gaia and 2MASS sky surveys looked at seven of these potential Dyson spheres and determined that they are more likely hot DOGS - hot dust-obscured galaxies whose clouds of warm dust are emitting infrared – and not collecting radiation with a Dyson sphere to fuel their planet and possibly their space ships. If the planets still have life in the form of plants, would these then be vegan hot DOGS?

Also getting the demystification treatment are those mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) of the repeating and non-repeating kind from other galaxies which many have suspected to be signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, but a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal analyzed polarized light from 128 non-repeating FRBs using data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and found that they appear to come from galaxies like the Milky Way with modest densities and modest magnetic fields, not the dense, extremely magnetized environments proposed in previous studies; while their cause is still not known, this new form polarization analysis tells more about what the light passed through in its journey of millions of light years. In less than a century, we’ve gone from polarized sunglasses to studying the polarized light of FRBs from millions of light years away – yet most people still can’t explain how polarized sunglasses work.

This week’s Bigfoot news comes from Lexington, Kentucky, where Aaron Theil took photographs of what he claimed were Bigfoot footprints he found on a very muddy and remote trail which he described as “fresh” and “fully formed humanoid footprints” that were “small” (about the size of his size 12 boots) and peculiar; commenters on the Bigfoot Believers Facebook page suggested they might be from a teenaged Bigfoot but others noted that they were narrower than most footprints thought to be made by a Sasquatch. Could Bigfoot have discovered Ozempic?

In biblical archeology news, a papyrus fragment stored for many years at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library was reexamined by papyrologists Dr. Lajos Berkes from the Institute for Christianity and Antiquity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), and Prof Gabriel Nocchi Macedo from the University of Liège, Belgium, who identified it as the earliest surviving copy of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, an apocryphal gospel (not included in the New Testament) about the childhood of Jesus dated to the mid-to-late second century, which makes it the oldest known copy of these stories of a five-year-old Jesus performing miracles – the researchers believe the copy was created as a writing exercise in a school or monastery because of its poor handwriting. Students have never been fond of learning penmanship.

Fans of the Ghostbusters movies know that their vehicle known as the Ectomobile (Ecto-1) was a 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor ambulance that occasionally carried ghosts; now, a video from the Red Cross headquarters in Pocosol, Costa Rica, is said to show a real ambulance sitting on one recent night unoccupied by humans in a parking lot when the siren suddenly began blaring and stayed on until employees turned it off – while initially thought to be caused by a short, others watching security footage were shocked to see what looked like black shadow like a silhouette appear on the right side of the ambulance, then disappear quickly; officials have no explanation for the siren or the shadow so far. Who ya gonna call now?

Who ya gonna call when you're lost in the woods?

Invaders from another part of the galaxy may have been responsible for one or more of the ice ages that have affected Earth for the past 300 million years, but these are not intelligent beings but giant interstellar cosmic clouds from exploded stars laden with thick dust, hydrogen, iron and plutonium that a new study in Nature Astronomy explains would have blocked the Sun’s warm rays from Earth and plunged the planet into prolonged ice ages – the study found geological evidence showing higher levels of iron and plutonium isotopes in Earth's oceans, Antarctic snow, ice cores and on the moon during these ice ages, then disappearing as this cosmic cloud would have moved on out of our heliosphere to disrupt other star systems. No, we can’t blame the current climate change on one of these ... yet.

A 1990 UFO encounter that has since become known as the ‘Calvine incident’ for the city in Scotland where two hikers saw and photographed a diamond-shaped UFO being followed by an RAF jet, then vanished after being forced to turn the photos over to a government official, is back in the news this week as Richard Grieve, who claims he worked at a hotel with the two men, revealed in an interview that the young men were accosted white outside on a break by two people dressed in black suits; after they returned, they told Grieve that they were never meant to see the UFO and the jet and that the men in dark suits were “Americans”; they eventually stopped showing up for work, “went off the rails”, became sullen and withdrawn, eventually left the hotel and were never seen again; Grieve can’t remember their names so there was no way to verify his claims. Fear causes people to do drastic things and make bad decisions – was their fear caused by the “Americans”, British officials or aliens?

A new speculative paper, not yet reviewed but submitted to the journal Philosophy and Cosmology by scientists at the Harvard Human Flourishing Program and Montana Technological University, proposes that advanced “cryptoterrestrials” – intelligent beings descended from an ancient human civilization more technologically advanced than us – may be living in secret underground locations or in volcanoes on Earth or in similar locations on the Moon and are potentially responsible for many UFOs reported on Earth; while more advanced, the study claims the human cryptoterrestrials are weak from being nearly wiped out by many historical disasters of global proportions. Nothing instills faith in modern humans like telling them they’re still weaker and dumber than ancient cryptoterrestrials.

A security camera video posted on Facebook by Dennis Godfrey Zacaias Colasito of Brgy. Kilaw, Tolosa, Leyte in the Philippines, appears to show a shadow creature with a tail running in front of a house that Colasito claims is a small supernatural creature or a supernatural child with a tail; he added a statement that that “This incident proves that spirits exist” but he presents nothing more than the brief, albeit unusual, video which commenters have mixed feelings about. Frustrated Bigfoot hunters point out that at least it’s a clear video.

Speaking of shadowy shadows, a video from Taylor Swift's recent 'Eras ​​Tour' concert in Madrid seems to show a dark shadowy figure at the top of the Santiago Bernabéu stadium near the stage that some think was a fan dancing on a skywalk while others believe it was one of the ghosts said to haunt the stadium and its nearby Metro station; Taylor Swift added to the suspense by not commenting about the incident. We’ll know more when she writes a song about it.

Astronauts on the International Space Station have a new species to worry about after researchers found that a microorganism normally found in the human gastrointestinal tract where it can cause osteomyelitis and urinary tract infections has mutated into a superbug that is completely distinct from its Earth counterpart and has its own pathogenic traits which make it resistant to antibiotics while causing its own new infections – the study published in Microbiome concludes that the Enterobacter bugandensis superbug will require “robust preventive measures” to ensure the health and safety of astronauts on long missions. Mars missions may be forced to pack less underwear and more hand sanitizer.

The birth of a rare white buffalo calf in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park is being celebrated by elders of the Lakota and other Native American tribes as a blessing and a warning that the White Buffalo Calf Woman has returned and will bring great changes upon the earth – this generally means that if humanity lives without harmony with the Earth it will be cursed, but if spiritual unity and harmony with the Earth is achieved humanity will be blessed; this is a genuine white wild buffalo calf so many are hoping it means humans are going to fight climate change and return to harmony with the planet. Will it help if we promise not to make white buffalo burgers?

The worst part of being a white buffalo calf is getting the stains out.

Fans of the Thylacine, the Tasmanian Tiger believed to be extinct but still reputedly seen in Australia, will be disappointed with a report on recent photos shared by wildlife biologist Forrest Galante who said they came from a man named Zack who saw the live animal and thought it might be a Thylacine - University of Tasmania ecologist Barry Brook analyzed the images and deemed them to be of “badly staged models, not living animals" and "not worthy of further consideration", while University of New South Wales professor Michael Archer said the jaws of the animal in the images didn’t match up to a Thylacine’s and the leg is “a joke” because “It’s a clown foot going forward beyond where it should be, nothing there is credible”. Sounds like thylacine hunters might want to switch to looking for a previously unknown clown animal.  

The owners of a high-rise building in Ufa, Russia, have had a hard time finding tenants because locals call it the “House of Death” because of many the many accidents and tragedies on the premises since construction began in 2009 – a bankruptcy stopped construction for many years; in 2018, the body of a missing girl was found inside it; in 2021, a group of children was climbing there when one girl fell to her death; in 2023, the body of another girl was discovered there; the building is now finished but workers said they felt a  negative energy and heard inexplicable sounds and rustling noises in the basement, so a mullah and an Orthodox priest were called in to “cleanse” the structure, which a spokesperson for the contractor says is now normal. And if you believe that, I have an apartment you might be interested in in Ufa.

After 50 years of hunting for the Loch Ness monster and producing documentaries on the quest, author and filmmaker Andrew McGrath has decided to pass the search on to the next generation of Nessie seekers by creating the Nessie Passport: an 'ACCESS ALL AREAS' Guide to Hunting the Loch Ness Monster and “A Monster Kids Guide to Hunting the Loch Ness Monster!” – a book to help kids hunt for the monster by offering “coordinates of some of the best Nessie hotspots around the Loch, advice on monster hunting equipment, famous sightings and compelling evidence, hoaxes, and the best times and conditions to spot this shy and elusive beast”. Let’s hope it includes a chapter on how to take clear photos with a cellphone.

Our celebrity ghost story this week comes from actor Will Smith who told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show about his experience at The Lanesborough, a five-star hotel near London’s Hyde Park, where he had to make an “emergency checkout” after he encountered a ghost that “urinated in my friend’s toilet and cleared all of his messages from his phone” – Smith says he didn’t hear the ghost speak so he didn’t know if it was British. It’s a good thing the ghost didn’t speak or Smith might have slapped the ectoplasm right out of it.

And in celebrity UFO encounters, Las Vegas Raiders offensive lineman Andre James said on his teammate Maxx Crosby's podcast that he and another NFL teammate were flying home after a game in Miami when they were invited into the cockpit by the pilots (he claims this is common in the NFL) where they saw “this big white light" that was “getting bigger and smaller, bigger and smaller"; they then saw a second light and the two objects seemed to circle each other for about 20 minutes while the pilots claimed they had no idea what the lights were; James claimed that "we got some footage" of the UFO. If aliens are NFL fans, let’s hope they know that ‘sudden death’ isn’t literal.

Super Bowl XCIX?

Spoon bender extraordinaire Uri Gellar posted on X that he is constantly hounded by physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects being thrown around that some people would attribute to ghosts, but not Uri – he says, “I believe that aliens are tuned into what I do 24 hrs a day” and they even choose specific photos to pull off of his shelves, sharing this experience: “We're sitting here talking about UFOs and ETs and exactly the precise moment when we are saying that the government are really not coming out with the truth – yet – this jumps off the wall” and then holds up a picture of him when he claims to have first started getting his spoon bending powers from aliens. Uri, we’d all be more impressed if one hit you on the head with a spoon.

If you need something else to keep you awake at night, glaciologists in Russia warn that the Gateway to Hell, also called the Batagaika slump, which is located in the Yana Highlands, is now 300 feet deep and is rapidly widening its 200-acre area at an “accelerated rate” to the point where the “huge bowl-shaped retrogressive thaw slump (RTS) increases by approximately 1 million cubic meters per year”, threatening the nearby Batagay River and releasing even more greenhouse gas emissions than its current rate of 4,000 to 5,000 tons of previously permafrost-locked organic carbon released annually. It sounds like the gateway is wide open and the residents are already here.

A woman in Bariloche, Argentina, recorded a video of what appears to be an orb floating over Lake Nahuel Huapi doing an impression of a chomping Pacman as it moves from right to left (westward); she told El Seis TV “It is not a boat, nor a sailboat. It's something strange that we can't figure out. She changed shapes and rose from the surface of the water. We really don’t know what it could have been”; she also noted that “It also changed shapes, it was very strange ”. If aliens are watching video games to learn about us, we’re doomed.

Paul Seaburn

Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. He’s written for TV shows such as "The Tonight Show", "Politically Incorrect" and an award-winning children’s program. His new book, “What Would You Say to a Naked Space Alien?”, is a collection of his favorite stories of close encounters of the absurd kind. His “What in the World!” podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange stories and odd trivia. Paul likes to add a bit of humor to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious. For contact information, visit his web page.

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