MU Podcasts IAug 03, 2024

32.05 - MU Podcast - A Tender Kiss

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Alien abductions often exhibit a recurring pattern, but occasionally some cases are so extraordinary that they stand apart dramatically. One such case involves Kim Carlsberg. Her diary entries recount an unusual and sudden connection with extraterrestrial beings that began following a close encounter in Malibu, California. These entities attempted to alert her to impending earthly disasters and emphasized the importance of sharing the message of them being cosmic saviors. However, beneath this alien veneer lies a more sinister agenda that persists in the world of abductions. 

For our Plus+ Members, we head to the Hudson Valley to explore the theory that a wave of UFO sightings might be connected to ancient Druidic rituals and magnetically aligned stone chambers in the region.


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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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