MU+ Podcasts ISep 10, 2024

30.11 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Channeling the Marmot God

MU+ Extended

After hearing a strange anecdote about ley lines, abandoned hospitals, and ghostly home invaders, we decided to explore similar reports from around the world. On this episode of Plus+, we learn about the peculiar physical effects of touching apparitions and how possessions can induce unusual temperature changes. Then, speaking of possessions, we venture to Mongolia to follow the work of an academic who was inducted into shamanism at a young age. As an insider, he is able to make contact with multiple shamans and hear their stories of spiritual healing, out-of-body experiences, and marmot channelings.

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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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