MU Podcasts IOct 12, 2024

32.14 - MU Podcast - The Mutilation Psy-Op

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Since the 1970s, thousands of cattle mutilations have been reported around the world, each incident marked by bizarre and unexplained circumstances. Ranchers and researchers have been left wondering: who—or what—is responsible for these unsettling events? While many attribute the phenomenon to UFOs and alien entities, supported by accounts of strange crafts, glowing lights, and advanced technologies observed near the mutilation sites, there may be another explanation.

Silent helicopters, laser precision, and the presence of military bases near these hotspots suggest a more human origin. Could these mutilations be tied to something unleashed in the aftermath of World War II? The possibility that these incidents are part of a larger cover-up—a secret more disturbing than extraterrestrial involvement—raises profound questions.

For our Plus+ members, we explore the personal accounts of famed remote viewer Ingo Swann’s niece, who reveals the strange entities encountered during his otherworldly journeys and her own brushes with high strangeness. 


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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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