Oct 25, 2024 I Paul Seaburn

Alien Interviewed, Bigfoot Messes with Mail, Three-Fingered Mummy Dissected, Baby Unicorn Spotted and More Mysterious News Briefly

A roundup of mysterious, paranormal and strange news stories from the past week. 

Mexican Navy forensic doctor Dr Jose Zalce Benitez has been allowed to dissect the hand of one of the famous three-fingered mummies of Peru and he announced the removal of “a very complex metal alloy that requires special knowledge and techniques to be able to achieve it with such quality and purity” containing “elements such as aluminum, tin, silver, copper, cadmium and osmium among others in smaller quantities and percentages”; this tridactyl hand “does not belong to any of the bodies presented at the Mexican Congress” but is a loose piece he was given access to after it was “carefully rehydrated by the doctors to remove the 'metal implant better’”; this does not confirm that the mummies are aliens or a hoax, but it definitely adds to their mystery. “Giving the finger” has taken on an additional meaning.

One of the more acceptable services provided by psychics is helping police find missing persons, but this doesn’t always achieve the intended results as Maine resident Richard 'Dick' Moreau found out when he enlisted a medium to help find his daughter Kim who went missing in 1986; the psychic felt a presence behind a bowling alley in Jay, roughly 70 miles outside of Portland, and behind a bowling alley and near the family’s home, and Miane State Police did find a human skeleton there, but a medical examiner determined it belonged to a male, possibly Harold Simpson, a 28-year-old from Livermore Falls, who also disappeared in 1986; for Moreau, the search for Kim continues. Does this add to the psychic’s cred or hurt their reputation?

Attorney and UFO disclosure proponent Daniel Sheehan had some interesting things to say at a talk for the New Paradigm Institute at Yale University; first, he claimed that aliens have been abducting humans for over 75 years for the purpose of stealing their sperm and eggs, combining them with alien genetic material, re-implanting them in the uterus of the human women, allowing the zygote to evolve for the full trimester, then abducting the women again to remove the zygotes to be brought to full term as as hybrid short greys, tall greys and 'mantis people'; Sheehan also claims he has knowledge of the location of alien bases on Earth – some are high in desolate mountain areas while others are in the ocean like “the major base in the Pacific that we're virtually certain exists off Baja – between Baja and Guadeloupe Island” where hundreds of UFOs have been filmed going “in and out”; finally, he claims the U.S military is “attempting to shoot down these UFOs . . . and taking captive the members who pilot those craft”. Would he be easier to believe if he weren’t a lawyer?

While we wait for the U.S. government to open its UFO files, you can see records that have already been made public at the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary in the city of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, where the National UFO Historical Records Center (NUFOHRC) is now located with its collection of over 2,000 books on UFOs and troves of files from researchers and investigative organizations; the collection was previously located at the Rio Rancho home of UFO researcher David Marler who finally ran out of room; Rio Rancho Public Schools Chief Operating Officer Michael Baker agreed to house the documents on school property because “Our students find the subject matter of UFO investigation very intriguing. And so we want to do is we want to use that as a catalyst in order to get students involved in other types of learning”. Let’s hope the students don’t learn how to cover up evidence.

Children, please give a warm welcome to our new foreign exchange student. 

If you want military UFO encounter disclosure, you might want to move to the Netherlands where the Dutch Safety Board announced it will accept reports of UFOs from military and professional pilots and other “aviation professionals”, implying that the independent bureau, which is responsible for investigating any serious accidents that occur in the Netherlands, may also investigate some of these encounters; the Dutch UFO group UAP Coalition Netherlands commended the move, saying that “we are pleased to report that the OVV (Dutch Safety Board) has indicated that it wants to receive reports of UAP from Dutch aviation professionals" because “Airspace can be endangered by experiences with UAP, so it is positive that an independent administrative body wants to gain more insight into this and takes reports seriously". If only “taking these reports seriously” was taken seriously by ALL governments.

The Bristol Zoo Project is posting photos on social media from its trail cameras of a strange creature described as "a mysterious winged and horned creature" in a wooded area near the facility's animal habitats; the animal appears to have a cow-like head with at least one horn and two wings; zoo officials saw a slight resemblance to a muntjac deer from Southeast Asia but a side-by-side comparison shows significant differences; it’s also not a hoax to promote the project’s Halloween exhibits, although some comments suggest it looks like a ‘baby unicorn’. A real Halloween hoax would be a baby uni-candy-corn.

It was a horror movie in a real-life situation when paranormal investigator Tony Fergusen and a team visited then abandoned 17th century St Kenelm’s church in Wimborne, Dorset, and an ‘entity’ there with a “heavy presence” had a voice which “seemed to heighten when we mentioned or asked questions about the basement area” in what seemed like an attempt to lure them into the basement; investigator Paul Cissell was going to go down with a device but instead “he started to feel very unwell and sick” as  “he felt something push him forward towards the opening”; after hearing footsteps, along with male and female voices, they all decided to leave the church. ‘Never go in the basement’ is always a good rule, which is one reason why A/C and furnace technicians charge so much.

Pigs aren’t flying yet but some who died in China had their brains revived by scientists for hours after circulation had ceased by adding the pigs’ livers to the life support system used to keep the brain alive; the livers continued to purify the blood and worked with an artificial heart and lungs to keep the brains alive and functioning, although the scientists aren’t exactly sure why this made such a big difference, so more experiments will be conducted. Is that the real reason or are they just addicted to bacon?

A team of climate researchers from ETH Zurich in Switzerland went looking for the best reflective particles to use for stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) of the atmosphere to create global cooling to combat climate change and their model honed in on both the planet’s and a girl’s best friend – diamonds; it turns out that 5 million tons of 150 nanometer-wide bits of diamonds suspended in the atmosphere would provide sufficient planetary cooling, stay suspended longer and remain unclumped more than most other particles at a price of only a few hundreds of trillions of dollars. Now we know what Lucy was really doing in the sky with diamonds.

At the Global Disclosure Day live event sponsored by the New Paradigm Institute, former Colonel Karl E. Nell, who worked on the Project Convergence program and the UAP Task Force (UAPTF), claimed that “Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) exist and have interacted with humanity on this planet, and this is not something new”, UFO activity around nuclear plants and military sites “is absolutely real and is not of human origin”, he can “personally guarantee” his statements, and “The way to bring this to light is to mobilize the grassroots. Political activism is key to reestablishing proper oversight, developing a responsible disclosure process, and moving forward as a society through this effort”. If there is ever a Department of UFO Activity and Alien Communications, Nell would probably make a good secretary.

In a new documentary film called “Interview With The Extraterrestrial”, documentarian Serena de Comarmond (also known as Serena DC) watches as spiritual medium Darryl Anka claims to channel an alien named Bashar who says the human race was “created” by an alien species called the AnnNu who “decided to inject their own DNA” into “hominid species” “several hundred thousand of your years ago”; he explains the AnnNu “are not extraterrestrial' beings, but instead are 'humans from another parallel version of earth that have come to your version of earth and other versions of earth” and are now trying to thank us for letting them live here after their own world was destroyed, by “giving you information that ideally would prevent your culture from going down the same destructive path that their culture went down”. Is this a documentary or a trailer for a new Marvel movie?

Fans of “Dracula” and its creator, author Bram Stoker, will be thrilled at the news that a short story by Stoker called “Gibbet Hill” is being published for the first time in 134 years after it was discovered by amateur historian Brian Cleary while searching through Stoker’s works at the National Library of Ireland in Dublin; “Gibbet Hill” follows the story of three outlaws who are tried and hung for the murder of a sailor and left at the gallows to serve as warning to criminal travelers; Stoker biographer Paul Murray calls it “a classic Stoker story, the struggle between good and evil, evil which crops up in exotic and unexplained ways”. Dracula doesn’t make an appearance but Stephen King could probably work the vampire into a modern update.

Chandler Stewart Hadraba, who is running for a seat in the Idaho state House of Representatives, has  Bigfoot in his platform: he wants to “make Idaho number one for Bigfoot tourism" by making Sasquatch the state animal of Idaho and issuing hunting licenses for killing it during Bigfoot season; this is not a bipartisan issue as his opponent has no comments on the proposals. That part about the hunting licenses probably cost him the cryptid’s votes.

Are you SURE that's what you want to vote for, Idaho? 

Google’s AI Gemini was asked to predict the biggest cause of human deaths in the year 2025 and it was not aliens, robots from the future, climate change or any of the other unusual suspects – Gemini predicts that humans living 26 years from now will die most often from antibiotic-resistant bacteria infections or 'superbugs', beating out heart disease (the current leader), cancer, climate change-related illnesses, and neurodegenerative diseases. Covid is disappointed but is hoping to make a comeback, while the Terminator sits quietly and waits for an opening.

If you’re hoping to escape the apocalypse by transporting to an alternate dimension, a new study by scientists at Charisma University in Turks and Caicos proposes that dreams can act as portals to alternate realities and parallel worlds so that “when a person sleeps and dreams, it might be possible his consciousness crosses the boundaries of space and time” to a place where the person could encounter other versions of himself which share a collective conscious, allowing the traveler to tap “into this collective unconscious, exploring and experiencing the shared human narrative that extends beyond the personal”; of course, there is currently no way to scientifically prove this proposed hypothesis. It beats blaming your dreams on eating bananas before bed.

Sir Richard Branson, the first billionaire in space, is set to become the first billionaire to co-pilot the world's first commercial stratospheric balloon flight on Space Perspective's maiden voyage in 2025, when he joins company co-founders Jane Poynter and Taber MacCallum in a giant hydrogen-filled space balloon as it rises to an altitude of around 20 miles, a height never before achieved in a commercial balloon flight, before they descend back to terra firma on a six-hour flight; the capsule has a capacity for eight passengers, so five others can buy a ride for $125,000 each, where they can drink cocktails, enjoy fine dining, and check their email on high-speed WIFI as they look out the window and listen to Sir Richard brag. Poor Elon – no one even buys him mylar balloons for his birthday.

When we think of dinosaurs we think of giant creatures, but they all had to start small and evidence of that was discovered recently in Ganzhou, Jiangxi province, where archeologists found the smallest complete dinosaur egg fossil ever; the tiny egg measures 29 millimeters (1.14 inches) in length and dates back to the Late Cretaceous period over 80 million years ago; the egg and the other partial eggs found with it are believed to be from an unknown species of non-avian theropods and have been classified as a new ootaxon named Minioolithus ganzhouensis, a group of bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs that are ancestors of modern birds. No human ancestors were around yet, which explains why the eggs were not found next to fossils of the ancestors of pigs.

There are plenty of places that would be appropriate haunts for the ghost of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, but his spirit was reportedly seen in a most unexpected place recently when singer and paranormal researcher Brocarde claimed she saw Sir Winston on the Queen Mary, currently docked in California, roaming the hallways around the ladies restrooms; she claims she “opened the bathroom door, and it was filled with a thick mist”, the door then slammed twice “like someone followed me in” and she saw “the full apparition of a heavy set man, with a cigar, he looked exactly like Winston Churchill”; she immediately ran out, saying “it was the quickest bathroom visit I’ve ever made”. Maybe Sir Winston thought she was Marlene Dietrich.

Sorry, madam, but sometimes even ghosts have to go.

Colossal Laboratories and Biosciences announced it has reconstructed the genome of the extinct Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) with more than 99.9 percent accuracy, making this the most complete ancient genome of its kind and moving the company one big step closer to de-extincting the famous marsupial and returning it one day to the wild in Tasmania; Colossal says the 45 remaining gaps in the genome will be filled in the coming months to produce the full DNA of the thylacine; at the same time,  Colossal has also engineered a technology that would give the thylacine resistance to Cane Toad Toxin from the invasive cane toad that would otherwise be fatal to the formerly native animal. If you’re trying to get the Australian public on your side, it may not be wise to bring up cane toads.

Truck driver Gary Rutherford Jr. was driving a semi loaded with mail on a highway in Peoria County, Illinois, when he claims he saw a Bigfoot on the side of the road that was tall enough to look in the window of his truck, making it about 8 feet tall; he only saw the creature for a few seconds but that was enough to see its "orange, yellowish glowing eyes” which he noted in his report to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization; Matthew Moneymaker of BFRO talked to Rutherford and said it sounded like a real Bigfoot sighting, even without a photo; Moneymaker noted that, while the truck had a dash cam pointed at the road, it recorded nothing because it was only activated when the driver makes an unusual action like swerving or hitting the brakes; he suggests that trucking companies in popular Bigfoot areas instruct their drivers to tap their brakes when they spot a Sasquatch and send in their recordings. Seeing the red taillights will also remind Bigfoot to smile for the camera.

Paul Seaburn

Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. He’s written for TV shows such as "The Tonight Show", "Politically Incorrect" and an award-winning children’s program. His new book, “What Would You Say to a Naked Space Alien?”, is a collection of his favorite stories of close encounters of the absurd kind. His “What in the World!” podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange stories and odd trivia. Paul likes to add a bit of humor to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious. For contact information, visit his web page.

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