MU Podcasts IDec 13, 2024

32.23 - MU Podcast - Truth Still Loading

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The truth remains elusive in the search for answers to the mysterious drone sightings happening all across the planet. Indeed, the reports seem to be intensifying, with eyewitnesses claiming encounters with multiple unidentified craft. We take a look at the latest reports and theories surrounding this sensational story, wondering whether the lack of information is due to incompetence or if something far more unsettling is occurring. From reports of drone "motherships" to holograms and even parasites, we embark on a journey into the madness in this episode. Then, for our Plus+ members, we venture into the Old West to hear reports of weightless humanoids, time gateways, the possible origins of Batman, and more!


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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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