In the realm of otherworldly encounters, we can find a wide array of sightings of a vast menagerie of entities and monsters. Yet among the weirdest of these are the many reports of people seeing reptilian lizard people, or Reptoids, and here we will look at an array of such strange encounters.
An early report of seemingly Reptoid activity comes to us from the 1950s by a woman who claims her great aunt had told her of this experience. One day she was visiting this great-aunt, who lived on a rural farm in the Southern United States, and asked why she always sat out on the deck with a fully loaded shotgun nearby at hand, and that was when the elderly woman told of a truly terrifying experience she had had in the 50s. She told her that one evening their dogs and farm animals had suddenly all gone nuts, restless, panicked, and making a racket outside. Dogs were barking, pigs were squealing, and it was just an utter cacophony of noise, making her think something was wrong. She then says she grabbed her shotgun and headed outside to check it out, and that was when she would come face to face with something that would change her forever. The woman says of her great-aunt’s rather dramatic account:
“She didn’t see it immediately, but when she looked toward the barn (and there was a big pond on the side of the barn), she saw a ‘frogman’ as she called it, coming up from the side of the barn. It was walking toward her. It wasn’t that tall. She stood maybe five foot four inches. It was a little bit taller than her. He had webbed hands, and it was walking straight to her. She yelled to it to stop, but it kept walking. She stepped of the porch with her double barrel shotgun and she shot it dead. The blood of the reptilian was green. Her husband heard the shotgun go off. He came outside. They were elderly at this point. When he stepped of the porch, she said “Look I killed something, I killed something, and it is not human.” They walked out there to the side of the barn. She and her husband buried the thing. We asked where was it? She said that they buried it right where they killed it, near the barn. After they buried it, the animals got quiet again. Her husband told her not to tell anybody that story.”
The story doesn’t even end there, as a month later she says that she and her husband saw a blue UFO fly over their house and land nearby, after which more of those frog-like creatures came out and headed towards the barn where their fallen comrade was buried. The lady would say of what happened next:
“They came out of the ship, and they went straight to the mound where they had buried this thing. They put their hands over the ground. This dead frogman thing, that she had killed, came out of the ground. It wasn’t alive, it was dead. They took that thing, and they put in on the ship. Then they went over to the pond, and they raised up their hands and a space ship came out of the pond. That pond was bigger than a regular size pond. It was almost the size of a small lake. They looked at them (the great-aunt and her husband) but didn’t say or do anything. They went back on the ship and zoomed back into the sky. That is why she always kept her double barrel shotgun always next to her. Even when she went to the chicken coop, or anywhere else, she always kept her shotgun with her because they might come back.”
What was this bizarre thing? An alien or something else? In later years, another very odd encounter comes to us from 1993, from a witness who says this happened at Atlantic Coast Beach, in the United States, where one evening she was out for a leisurely stroll. There had been no one else around at the time, and she thought she was alone until she noticed a group of people some distance up the beach. At this point she thought nothing of it, and just kept walking, drawing ever nearer to those people and slowly realizing that there was something very off about them. The first thing she noticed was that they were all bald and they had on unusual attire for the beach, which was composed of camouflage tan and green military BDUs and tan vests with many pockets, and as she got closer still she could see that these figures were not human. She says:
"Though their general appearance was humanoid and they walked on two legs, they were clearly not human; their skin was mostly green and they moved with a sharp, keen alertness more akin to the movement of nervous iguanas. I could see that they were all male and apparently soldiers of some sort. We stared at each other. I could clearly discern their reptilian appearance, their reluctance to approach me, the hesitation, and the nervousness. It felt dangerous. The reptilian leading the group came forward, toward me, and I continued walking at my regular pace toward him. Our eyes connected and did not disengage during the entire incident. I remained alert and aware throughout the event. The remainder of his group stayed behind. He and I continued to approach each other until we were less than one yard apart. He stood at least six foot tall, medium build, no hair, eyes the same size as mine but a brightly colored yellow with dark vertical slits, and his skin was rough and scaly with a greenish-brown hue."
This is already pretty outlandish enough as it is, but it manages to get even weirder still, as the reptilian then is claimed to have made some sort of telepathic contact with the witness. She says of this:
“As we looked intently into each other’s eyes, I knew he was accessing a computer bank in his mind; one that was not his individual database, but a group mind sharing the same knowledge. Quite suddenly, his expression changed (and I first saw this in his eyes) to one of contemptuous tolerance. In other words, there was some reason he was forced to tolerate my presence, but he was not happy about it. Accessing that database in his mind gave him the information he sought and then he knew me by name. With recognition, he said, “Oh. Hello Bonnie,” and we shook hands while he frowned contemptuously. My eyes never left his and his eyes never left mine. I smiled, as I always do, and turned around to walk away. He also turned back to his group and they walked up the beach away from me.”
What in the world was going on here? A few years later, there was a report from the files of paranormal researcher Albert S. Rosales, which supposedly occurred in 1999 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The witness, Eva Trent, said she was going to bed one night, drifting off to sleep at her modest apartment when something truly inexplicable happened to her. The report reads:
“Having fallen asleep, she awoke to a “buzzing sound”. Opening her eyes, she was horrified to find two strange creatures standing on either side of her bed. The “entity” to her right was about 7-8 feet tall, weighed around 300 pounds, had apparently no clothes on and seemed to have either a crocodile or snake type skin covering. The creature to her left was identical in appearance but smaller in height and weight. They seemed to be communicating in a chirping manner. Each of the visitor’s eyes glowed.
Eva quickly discovered that she was unable to move. As she stared in terror at the two intruders, she found that either one or both were giving her instructions telepathically. The nature of this was seemingly for her to create mentally visual scenes of various kinds and then “they” proceeded to distort that particular pleasant scene in a perverse manner. (i.e.) a romantic interlude. Much later she concluded that the intent was to not only observe her emotional reaction, but also possibly feed off the energy that was produced.
After an unknown period of time she became so upset with this ongoing deliberate mind manipulation that she began to mentally resist. Not only did she pray in an earnest fashion but began to mentally cover herself from head to toe in white light. At this point she detected that the two “visitors” were confused by this reaction (or action). A brief time later she fell back to sleep. When she awoke the following day, it was in a state of physical exhaustion and a confused mind that was not only attempting to put the night events in some sort of order, but alternately accepting and rejecting what she believed to have been a “real” event.However, the clincher was yet to come. Located about six feet from her bed was an audio cassette storage rack. It stands about three feet high, is four-sided and felt lined. Eva’s surprise when later that day she went to extract a music tape to play, she discovered five or her precious tapes (inside the plastic cases) were grossly distorted. Of the five, three were badly buckled, as if extreme heat had been applied. On closer examination, some interesting contradictions emerge. None of the cassette tapes display any type of unusual odor that one would reasonably expect under such circumstances. Stranger still, despite the intense heat required to create this warping effect, the actual tape (sound) filament showed no sign of having melted. The felt storage unit had no apparent evidence of heat being applied in close proximity.”
Very strange, indeed. There seem to be a few other reports of people being harassed by reptilian entities in their bedrooms as well. In another report from 2008, a witness called only “Cindy” says:
“In 2008 I was laying in bed in a half sleep and I had this enormous being jump on top of me and pinned me down. I became frozen with fear. The entity had the face of a lizard. I also saw a huge tail but could not see the rest of its body. I immediately cried out to God and it disappeared. It wasn’t a dream, it was something else. A year and a half later, I was in my mother’s quest room in a half sleep. (keep in mind, my mothers home was less then a mile away from the first incident) I felt something grabbing my shoulder. I quickly turned around and I saw an entity. This time it appeared to be female. She had scales all over her body and had blue eyes that seemed to be looking at me lovingly. I went into instant panic mode and raised up in the bed. I said a quick prayer and tried to go back to sleep only for it to happen to me again. It wasn’t until 2013 that I was reading about reptilians. I was absolutely positive this is what I saw however the first one I saw had a tail and the second one did not. i later read that there are more then one species. It has been a rabbit hole that I have ventured down ever since. I have had many other experiences, not reptilian, that have all occurred within a few mile radius. My father sited a centaur across the street from his house. After a minute it vanished he said. I was living in that same house years later and not once,but twice had a group of people with clothes on at looked like they were from the 1800s. I thought they were maybe from a church group going door to door. The second time I saw them I was getting ready to leave for work and was on the phone with my mom. I looked outside and said to my mom those people were back. I walked outside and there was about eight of them, dressed in 1800 style clothing. I said can I help you and one of them asked me if they could sit a spell (exact words) I said of course. None of the had purses, bags or flyers. I had a bench surrounding a huge oak tree and they all sat down. I was late for work so I didn’t question them. Sorry to this day I did not. I started putting all these experience's together and as odd as it sounds, I think there is a portal in that area. Last year my mother, who lives in the house I saw the second reptilian, told me she saw a huge orange ball of light in the cypress tress out back. She said the ball then shot straight up with super speed. I said oh wow you saw a orb and she had no idea what that was. I personally haven’t had anymore weird experiences but I live 30 miles away now. Does anyone have any thoughts on this possibility being linked to a portal and these beings are manifesting because of that?”
Another equally bizarre account comes from the site Phantoms and Monsters, with a witness who says:
“I awoke one night in a state of which I can only explain as a spasm, my body was in a rigid state. I could not move a muscle and felt like something was on top of me. I fought to get movement back in my body. I could not turn my head or move at all. It was like I was having a fight to get control of my body. After a few panic stricken moments, I could just barely move my fingers, only a little bit. I then felt that there was more than just a spasm. I felt dirty and touched. It was a horrible feeling from deep inside me.
I could barely move my toes, again very slightly. My throat felt like it was being held. I could feel something was on top of me. My hands where by my side, but it felt like they were around my own throat, holding tightly. I was using all my might to break free from this spasmodic state. Then could feel something breathing into my left ear, a sound of a growl-like noise right next to my ear. I struggled to move my head to the left, like breaking free from a strangle hold.
I could barely see the outline of a head, a big long head next to my own face. As the spasm-like feeling started to wear off, a tiny bit at a time, I could work out that this thing on top of me looked like a lizard/newt thing. It was like a blending together of all that was around it, or maybe invisible. I'm not very sure which, but I could see it clearly as the seconds passed on. It was reptilian. I growled at it, or I think I did. My mind and my body gave all it could to do so. I bared my teeth at it and I could feel it could read my mind. I was swearing at it and shouting all sorts of obscenities at it. I felt violated and used. The next thing, it was quickly off of me and was standing to one side of the bottom of my bunk bed. A light came through the thin gap in the curtains. There were different shades of a golden light which also had very small particles inside it, like dust or small stars which moved around like little bright lights.
This reptilian creature was about 6 feet tall. I could sense it was either proud or happy with itself, maybe both. I tried to sit up as best I could and through my mind I swore at it again. The creature walked forward and stepped into the light beam. As it did, the feet and legs vanished into the light. The more the creature moved forward towards the window, the more of it vanished. After it was gone I felt relaxed, but I could still feel where I was held around my throat. I felt I was raped by this horrendous monster. I awoke to a bright sunny day. I could hear my mother downstairs, washing up and doing housework. I laid in my bed and didn't move a muscle. I ran the incident through my mind again and, yes, I could still feel where I was held around my throat.
I know this happened. My mind, heart and soul knows that this happened. For the life of me, I could not run downstairs to explain to my mother about this. Who would have believed it? How would my parents have handled such a thing? I did not know what to do? Since that night, my stepfather passed away. I asked my mother if she believed in aliens or ufo's. She replied that my stepfather said once that he saw a ufo near Brighton while at sea in the 1960's and he swore that it was a ufo, but only told my mother this. I never told my mother about my experience, as I thought it would be to harrowing for her to hear.”
In other accounts, from the U.S. state of Missouri is an account from 1995 from a witness called Jerry, on the sire Phantoms and Monsters. At the time the witness was living near Eldridge, Missouri, and was an avid caver and spelunker. In 1993 he formed a local group of experienced cavers, who would get together to explore various caves and caverns on weekends and holidays, and it was during one of these adventures in 1995 that he would have an experience he would never forget. The witness says:
“I had decided to check out a cave in Camden County, Missouri which was part of a fairly large system in the area. From what I could tell, this particular cave had not been explored for a long period of time. The entrance was very narrow and well hidden. After squeezing through the opening I descended another 50 feet or so before the cave began to open up into a series of chambers. I moved through several of these chambers taking my time to examine the area for possible artifacts and formations. I finally reached, what I thought, was the end of the cave.
I started to hear a rustling sound that was echoing from a small opening near the top of the chamber. I assumed the sounds were bats and didn't pay much attention to it. But after awhile I heard motorized sounds and talking. I stood and listened for several minutes wondering what was on the other side of this chamber. The opening was about 10 feet above me. I maneuvered my way up to the opening which was flat and narrow but big enough for me to get a decent look into it.
As I positioned myself to the front of the opening I started to see light at the other end. The passageway was only a few feet long but it was just too narrow for me to move through. As I looked through the opening there was a very warm draft of air hitting my face. As well, the air had a very acrid vinegar-like odor. There was a very large and well lit 'room' with limestone walls. I noticed a small vehicle that looked like a golf cart but was very low to the ground and without wheels. I continued to observe until I started to hear voices that were getting louder and nearer. Something was making its way towards the vehicle. I had to rub my eyes because I didn't believe what I was looking at.
This 'creature', because it was not a man, stood about 7 foot and had brown scaly skin. The face and head were shaped like a human with a flat nose but there were no ears or hair. The top of the head had a slight scaly ray or ridge that extending down the back of the neck. From what I could see it had lips and regular sized eyes. The arms were very long and muscular with human-like hands. It also had a massive 4-5 foot tail that tampered to a point. It was dressed in a gold metallic outfit with long pants and shoes. It also carried an oval pack attached to its back.
I watched as this thing was looking at something on the vehicle. I had a high speed camera which I use to document my cave explorations. I was able to obtain a few distorted images of the being. For some reason while I was taking photos the creature stopped and turned, looking in my direction. I'm not sure if it heard me but it definitely knew of my presence. It then made a terrible 'hissing' sound as it continued to look in my direction. That was enough for me. I quickly started making a beeline out of the cave. When I reached the entrance I was shaking and hyperventilating. I finally reached my vehicle and drove home.
I continue to explore caves in the area. I have heard stories of people encountering strange underground beings but I have never disclosed my experience. A few years after my experience I went back to the cave but was unable to get near it since the area is now government property. I can assume that I witnessed something that I was not supposed to see. It pains me to think what secrets are being kept from us. To those who say that there are no non-humans living among us, well, think again. They are here. I do have the aforementioned evidence of the experience but I do not wish to release this at the present time.”
From 1999 we have another story from Phantoms and Monsters, this time from a witness who claims that his encounter happened as he was staying at a hunting cabin in an undisclosed location along with his father, grandfather, and best friend. At some point, his Dad and friend went to go pick up some fishing bait, and the report continues:
“As they were gone, Grandpa and I were talking in the cabin living room when something on two legs came walking up the porch steps. It was loud enough for my Grandpa to hear it, even with his hearing aids he could still hear. He said, “It looks like we have company.” So I walked over to the door and opened it, but there was nothing there, and we didn’t hear anything leave the porch, which was weird. I guess the creature was jumping over the porch rails, somehow.
Grandpa said, "I know someone was there," scratching his head when again we heard something come back up the steps on the porch. This time it opens the screen door to get to the main door when I grabbed my Grandpa's .357 pistol and aim it at the door while this thing is turning the knob on the main door. I holler out, “I will shoot you through the door if you don’t announce yourself!” Strangely enough, it let go of the door handle. It was a matter of that door moving inches of shooting threw it. So, I walk over to the door, with the gun aimed at it, to open it to see what the heck is out there moving around. I pull the door open ready to shoot someone in the face, and once again nothing there but I see the headlights of my Dad and friend coming back with fishing bait. I shut the door and turned to tell Grandpa that I saw nothing but my Dad coming back. Grandpa starts freaking out telling me I've got to go out there and tell my Dad we have an intruder wandering around.
So I open the door as they are pulling into the driveway and walk out there in the dark to tell them what is going on. They started laughing at me like I was joking but I said, “Would Grandpa give me his .357 to come telling you all this crazy stuff?” Grandpa tells me to tell my friend what happened to us as he tells my Dad in the kitchen. As I’m telling my friend, sure enough here comes the thing again up the steps. My friend grabbed the .357 and ran out the door and I followed with a Jim Bowie knife and my Grandpa’s military flashlight he used in the Korean War. I had the blue lens on.
As I got outside and shone the light on this thing. It stood about six feet tall with an impressive physique of about one hundred eighty pounds with no body hair. It looked like a lizard man. It was grayish-blue in color. My friend shot over its head. We stopped chasing it where the property line stopped. This humanoid ran incredibly fast in the dark down a mountainside toward the river, faster than any animal I had ever seen in my life. My friend and I sat up all night that night never seeing or hearing anything then or the rest of our trip. I’m the only one left alive who was there that night. My Dad, Grandpa, and friend have passed since that incident. I thought I would share this with you while I'm still around. I was 18 years old when this happened."
A truly surreal report from Albert S. Rosales’ files supposedly occurred in 2005, on the banks of the Dnieper River, in the Poltava region, Ukraine, with a witness who claims to have had a psychic chat with a Reptoid of some sort. The report reads:
“A young woman named Irina B, was living in a countryside cottage and was visiting a secluded beach on the banks of the Dnieper River. She frequented the area often and knew it well. Her favorite area was an isolated small inlet covered with sandy beaches and bushes, the area had numerous gaping holes or crevices all around, some of them quite large, and possibly artificially made by locals. On this day she was lying by the beach sunning herself, and dozing off when she suddenly awoke with the feeling that someone staring at her. She opened her eyes and was terrified to see a huge bipedal lizard-like being about 2-meters in height and covered with greenish scales standing very close to her.
Terrified she wasn’t able to scream and waited for the worse to happen. But suddenly she heard a voice inside her head, “Don’t be afraid, my rations do not include albumen (protein) I am not going to eat you”. The witness was not sure if the mysterious voice spoke in Russian but she distinctly understood everything that was said; the voice seemed to have correctly anticipated her apprehension. “How is this possible?” was her only thought, and the voice answered her immediately, “Nothing unusual, simple telepathy”. She sat on her towel looking at the huge lizard-like being looming over her.
The voice inside her head once again reacted to her thoughts and said, “You are afraid of my appearance. That can be corrected”. Then in a blink of an eye she saw the most beautiful young man she had ever seen in her life. “How did you do that?” she asked in amazement, now feeling more curious than afraid, in a moment she received the answer, “Easily. You see what you want to see. I simply compel you to see what you want”. They both began communicating by using telepathically. The lizard being told an amazing story, apparently he was a ‘criminal’ on his planet and other species on his planet had wanted to punish him, but he had succeeded in escaping and had been wandering all over the Galaxy for a long time, hiding from “bounty hunters” that were chasing him. For some time now one of these holes at the beach had become his shelter. But he was now tiring of hiding and wanted to be found and “punished”. He had evidently been observing her every time she had come to beach for a while. She reminded him of his home planet where the creatures also liked the sun and the water. He just wanted to chat with her since he had been an outcast from his planet for so long. At the end of the conversation the “lizard man” told Irina that he would erase her memory, or her brain would not sustain such huge volumes of new information and would “explode”.
He promised that it wouldn’t be painful, suddenly everything around her was encased in a bluish light, and horrified she watched the body of the lizard being dissolved into nothingness. And next she lost consciousness. She was briefly reported missing and a search was organized to find her, her parents and neighbors found her the next day on the beach. She was found lying on the sand bleeding from her nose and one ear. The doctors at the hospital were puzzled thinking that she might have had a brain hemorrhage. She was considered to be alive only by a miracle. The witness insists that she did not invent the story even though she is aware that it sounds like the ravings of a lunatic.”
Lunatic or not? Who knows? Again from the site Phantoms and Monsters, always a wellspring of bizarre reports, comes a case from a witness calling himself Robert Ballard, who claims to be a truck driver based in Lancaster, California. He says that in May of 2002 he was on a run through the rural area of Yuma, Arizona, when he decided to make a stop at exit 140 along Interstate 8 at around 4:30 in the morning, out in an area surrounded by dark nothingness. He explains what happened:
“I pulled off the exit ramp there and I had my high beams on and I noticed a figure to the left side of the exit ramp, a tall dark figure on the left side of the exit ramp, so I went to the right side of the exit ramp, slowed down, stopped and turned off my headlights. I could see a large humanoid figure standing there holding a carcass of some sort in its hand. It dropped the carcass on the ground, turned around and looked at me for 4 or 5 seconds and then started walking over towards my truck. I said, Holy F***! I locked the door on my truck. Made sure it was locked and it was approaching the window of my truck. It stopped about 2 feet from the window of my truck. Its head was as high as the window of my truck. I'm driving a conventional so the window is about 7 feet off the ground. The head of this being was slightly above the head of the window. So it had to be at least 7 feet tall, 7 foot 2. That vicinity.
So I reached up and grabbed my camera out of the storage department and turned the camera towards the window and it was looking at me through the window. Just as I was moving the camera over, it turned on a bright light right at my face. It was so bright I couldn't look at it, so I took my camera and flashed a picture at it. The being, creature, stepped back as if slightly startled for a second. Then it kinda gave me an oddball grinning expression, looked at me a couple more seconds, turned its head and when it turned its head, I got a real good look at its profile, of its skull and head and it had started walking away along the left front of my truck. As it was walking away, I turned on my headlights and I got a real good look at its backside and its legs and then I saw what it was walking towards.”
The witness says that since the sun was then beginning to peek up over the horizon he could sort of make out what the strange humanoid was headed towards, something that looked like a black mass. The humanoid walked right up to this dark object and disappeared inside, which prompted the witness to train his spotlight on it to reveal a texture on the outside like “the side wall of a tomb.” The witness says of what happened next:
“Then it started to rise up off the ground. Made no sound. It got up about 10 to 15 feet above the ground. The vehicle vetted out some red stuff. I could see red stuff shooting out from the back and sides. Then I could see it was a triangle shape. I could see underneath it and it had three tiny marker lights on each corner of the triangle, dull red light in the middle. It accelerated away and was out of sight in about 3 seconds. When it had rose up, it was silhouetted against the morning sun. It was making the sky bright enough to see it was a triangle shaped vehicle. I had never seen anything like it.
So what happened is, I waited about 5 minutes when I knew the being and the vehicle was gone. I unlocked the door. I had my camera with me. I had 5 pictures left on the camera. Got out of the truck and walked across the street of the exit ramp to see what this being had dropped on the side of the exit ramp and when I got over there I shined the flashlight on it. I was surprised that it was a carcass of some kind. Looking at the hooves, I could tell it was a deer. The deer's head was bit clean off and it had discolored fur around its neck. The inside of the deer, the chest cavity, was all completely removed. Its internal organs were all ripped out to the back of the spine. The internal cavity was burned out.”
Another far-out report from Phantoms and Monsters revolves around a Romanian General Emil Streinu, who is supposedly “the Advisor of the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetrical threats - Director of The Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics - Founder of the Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena and author of several of esoteric publications.” Streinu would allegedly contact the author and UFO researcher Aryan Hava, to who he would relate a truly bizarre encounter made by his friend and colleague, who remains anonymous but is described as also a military figure, a high-ranking officer specialized in commando warfare. According to Streinu, this happened in the remote Retezat Mountains, and the report says:
“This high ranking officer, let's call him "Colonel X", was driving back from a short camping trip, which he took alone in the mountains. He was close to Bucharest when he noticed that he was low on he pulled into a small rural gas station. It was 5:00 - 5:10 AM, so nobody was around. Colonel X noticed a khaki Hummer with black windows parked outside the gas station with the engine on, but nobody around it. After filling up his tank, he paid and walked back to his SUV. He then noticed that the driver's door of the Hummer was opened and inside it he saw a reptilian being. The reptilian had no clothes but it was wearing military was entirely covered with green scales (like a crocodile) and had a lizard-type crest on the head. The reptilian saw Colonel X, then he got out of the Hummer, while still staring at him. He directed some sharp sounds at someone from inside the car, this time looking irritated, then got back at the wheel and quickly drove away. The car had no license plates, either on the front or back.
Colonel X estimated the reptilian to be 2.00m (78.7 inches) high, with yellow eyes and cat type slits. The Colonel looked around to see if someone else had witnessed the event, but he was alone. Then he noticed the gas station's video camera. Unfortunately, the attendant told him that the camera was "just for decoration" and had no practical use, other than scare any potential robbers. Thinking that this was a very well played hoax, he got back into the car and continued his journey. After several miles he was still very upset by the events, when he saw the same Hummer with all four doors opened. On the shoulder he noticed two dark green reptilians that seemed to be arguing. The second reptilian was 15-20 cm (5,9 - 7,9 inches) higher than the first one. It wasn't wearing clothes or boots and had lizard-type feet and unlike the first one, it also had a tail. On the street, trucks were passing by in both directions and the drivers were pointing at the creatures, but nobody pulled over. Then, Colonel X got his mobile phone out and took several photographs of the reptilians who seem oblivious to the situation.
After 3-5 minutes, the two reptilians got back into the Hummer and drove back, at high speed, in the direction they initially came from. The Colonel looked again at the pictures from his mobile phone and rushed for Bucharest in order to contact General Streinu and together decide what to do with the astonishing pictures. Back in Bucharest, the phone clearly showed 11 pictures, but all of them were completely green. Together with General Streinu, they headed to a phone service company that couldn't help them either. It was like the Colonel photographed a bright green light. For two weeks they analyzed the story in great detail and searched for witnesses, but all efforts ended up in failure.”
Also from Rosales is a report from 2016, in Urubici, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The main witness, Dona Neuza, and her family moved from Florianopolis to live in this mountainous region, and here she would often spend time with her husband in their spacious backyard stargazing. One evening as they were doing this, there was an unexpected blackout, which brought darkness crashing down around them. The report continues:
“The starry sky was highlighted in the cold night, but according to Neuza she felt a shiver through her body, a fear and the presence of someone else watching her. As she looked toward the house, she saw two beings standing on a concrete slab in front of the house looking at her. Immediately, she though it was her husband and her son, but frightened she pointed the flashlight at the figures and what she saw terrified and paralyzed her. The light of the flashlight illuminated two bipedal beings in the form of lizards. They seemed to be people like us, they had two legs, two arms, a body and a head, but shaped like lizard (or reptile). She said it felt like time had stopped and there was dead silence around her. Then the beings moved towards the front of the house and disappeared. Soon after the power in the region came back and she managed to get up and walk slowly into the house and when she got to her kitchen, she received another scare when she looked at the clock and realized it was already 5am. She didn’t remember staying that long in the yard, because when she left her house it was only 1am, and it felt she had only been outside a brief amount of time. Unfortunately, her husband and son did not believe her story and soon after the family refused to talk about the incident.”
What was this thing? Finally, we have a report from Reddit, from a retired Marine staff sergeant and Iraq war veteran known by the name of Philip Matasoldados Dennis. The witness’s surreal report reads:
“I thought it was a “ wet bald black man” at first glance but upon further inspection I found myself looking eye to eye with a creature that was by no means human and definitely not an animal. It had intelligent looking eyes and was some how able to communicate with me that it knew that I was unlike others and was a warrior , it recognized the fact that I was heatbroken and that my state of great sorrow was the factor that led it to me (at the time I had just lost my wife ) and it knew that I had a firearm on me as well ….theres so much more I could write but I’ll stick with the basics and if anyone is interested for whatever reason and wishes to contact me just look me up on Facebook and send a message "Philip Matasoldados Dennis" is what you'll find me under .
The being was sort of holographic and had a bluish grey hue to it , I could hear a growing sound of bees or a swarm of winged insects prior to encounter and through the duration which returned on several occasions and Warned me enough to take measures in avoiding it , communicated through telepathic means and used imagery .. after this encounter I was notably relieved of all heartbreak that I had had prior to the encounter which was either from it having healing powers or the fact that my whole world and viewpoint was greatly altered. I believe that It may have returned to lure me out on a few occasions by mimicking the voices of people that I know yet who couldn't have possibly been there -I concluded this only because I felt the same feeling it gave me prior to actually seeing it along with a faint sound of bees. It was all very real.”
What are we to make of reports such as these? Are these aliens, as some reports seem to suggest? Are they some form of an interdimensional interloper, merely delusional creations of the imagination, or something else altogether? Whatever they are or represent, in the end, we are left with one of the most bizarre categories of humanoid encounters there is.