The world of alien encounters can get pretty weird. It is something beyond the scope of our understanding and often floats off into the fringes of the bizarre. However, some cases are stranger than most, and here we will look at some of the more bonkers cases of alien encounters that really pushed the envelope of the odd.
A curious early case takes us back to 1929 when a girl and her brother were playing in the garden at their home in Hertford, England, which brushed up against an orchard. As they played, they suddenly heard a curious sound like an engine coming from the orchard beyond their garden, and when they looked they could see a tiny biplane with a wingspan of just 12 inches come into view. The strange little plane landed, almost knocking down a dustbin in the process, and the two siblings could see a minuscule little man in the cockpit of the plane. This odd little gnome-like creature then waved at them before taking off into the air again and flying off out of sight.
In later years there is a strange report from the year 1947, in Arrolaguetre, Rubiaco, Spain. On this day, four men, Marcelo Martin Sanchez, Fausto Dominguez Martin and Julian Sendin Martin were returning to their rural village when they stopped to take a breather in a nearby field. As they rested, their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of what seemed to be an intense clapping, which then mingled with a cacophony of what appeared to be the sounds of hundreds of faded voices chanting or murmuring together at the same time. Looking around in alarm, the men then saw something very bizarre indeed. An excerpt of the report cited on the site Extremadura Misteriosa says of it:
“The men looked around and spotted a tremendously tall figure approaching their location on a nearby field. The bizarre figure seemed to swing its arms like a soldier. Even stranger, the bizarre figure was wearing a white shirt with a black stripe around the neck area and it appeared to be headless! The three stunned men watched as the headless giant walked by only about 5 meters from them, totally ignoring them. It disappeared quickly into the distance taking great strides as it did. Strangely the loud cacophony of sound seemed to originate from it.”
What was this thing and what were those freaky noises all about? Who knows? The following year, in 1948, a resident of the Polish village of Wrzeszczyn by the name of Henryk Matczak was out in the woods collecting mushrooms when he saw quite a surreal sight. He would say of it:
“I saw at a distance of maybe 30 meters a group of children dressed in green, maybe there were ten of them. At first I thought they were scouts, because they were dressed in green. Although this outfit, upon closer inspection, was not a scout uniform, as it was quite tight and more like some kind of sports swimmer's clothing. The outfit clung quite tightly to their bodies, and on their heads the “scouts” had hoods, slightly protruding over their heads. The outlines of the faces I could not see. Each looked the same and was about 1 m tall, the stature of a boy of eight years.
I thought they were scouts, because not far away in those post-German warehouses the first scout conventions of the Polish Scouting Association had already been organized in the woods. But there was something wrong. These individuals were moving fast, bending down once, getting up, handing something to each other. I was stunned to see that they began to climb a large beech tree standing nearby, which had large branches spreading wide on the sides. “Scouts” began to climb the tree as if they had glue on their shoes and gravity did not apply to them at all.
One climbed all the way up to the branch and disappeared into the leaves immediately followed by another. I recall that some of them waded all the way in and immediately retreated, going head down. This happened before I decided to get closer to simply talk to them and ask what they were doing here in the forest. Then these - let's say - five, who were standing on the ground, looked at me and began to watch me closely. I immediately turned around and started running away, because I no longer knew what I was dealing with.”
Just what are we dealing with here? Aliens, interdimensional interlopers, or something else? An utterly perplexing case from the files of paranormal researcher Albert S. Rosales occurred in 1953, in the Ano Ilioupolis neighborhood, East Athens, Greece. The witness, a Vassaliki F, saw a strange woman in the streets of Ilioupolis while out taking a stroll, and it would only snowball into the bizarre from there. The odd report reads:
“The witness –a woman with many paranormal experiences- saw a strange woman in the streets of Ilioupolis. She had large, protruding eyes, high forehead, incredibly thin waist and was wearing very old-fashioned gray clothes –a skirt and a jacket. Inside of this she was wearing tight transparent trousers. She was followed by a very small “dog”, actually a piece of shadow that was hovering very near the ground. She was holding the “dog” with a transparent thick cord. When the witness tried to ask her who she was and from when did she come, the strange woman glared at her and went away, vanishing in the Saint George site of antiquities. The next day, news was spread that in the nearby fields of Sain Nicholas, an “aluminium hut” came down from the sky and landed. It had “windows” through which a shepherd saw incredibly ugly dwarfs inside. Among them there was a dwarf with the head of an animal. In a few minutes, a door opened on the “hut” and a dwarf came out, holding something like a golden plate in his hands. Then, the strange woman Mrs. F. had seen the previous day made her appearance. The dwarf bowed to her, and she filled the “plate” with dirt. They both went into the “hut” and the latter took off and vanished in the sky with a loud bang.”
What in the world was going on here? On the morning of July 13, 1959, a resident of Blenheim, New Zealand, went out onto her property to milk her dairy cows at around 5:30 am. Halfway across the paddock she saw a strange green glow through the low clouds, and then a green light broke through and split into two lights “like eyes or big lamps.” As this was happening, the whole area was bathed in an oddly colored light of “a horrid sort of colour,” as a circular craft about nine meters wide and with a curved glass cockpit silently descended towards her, with two shafts of green light beaming down from its underside and two rows of small, orange jets that shot outwards like spokes from the rim of the disc. Despite the witness’s fear, she thought it was all quite beautiful. A report on the incident from the APRO Bulletin and NOUFORS would say what happened next:
“The air on this cold July morning became warm and she noticed a low hum. She was “scared stiff”, but curious and enchanted by the lights. It was an image she could still recall in detail decades later. “It was just imprinted indelibly on my mind. I just took it in. I saw everything in those few minutes.’’ Inside the curved glass cockpit, she could see two figures wearing shiny silver suits and helmets. The suits were tight like a wet suit and looked like they were made of aluminium foil. The men were seated one in front of the other. Both had their backs to her. A flickering light shone up from below them, reflecting off their suits. Then one of the silver suited men emerged from the craft and walked towards her. She could see his face through a small visor in the helmet. He was wearing a wide belt with a black disc at the centre. He had a harness on his chest that held a small dial and a series of tubes coming out of the helmet. His left hand was missing and was encased in a dark sheath. Then he shouted at her in a foreign language she did not recognise. He retreated back to the craft and got back on board.
After a few moments, the jets starting shooting out from the craft again. It tilted at an angle and then shot up into the sky at great speed. As it retreated behind the clouds it made a soft, high-pitched whine. Then she was alone. Standing in a waft of hot peppery air. She was relieved that the attracting power of the green lights had gone, but didn’t know what to do next. Eventually, she finished milking the cows. “While I was milking I kept wondering and felt a bit shaken and puzzled, and did not quite know what to do about it.’’ She returned to the house and woke her husband Frederick to tell him what she had seen. She feared he would laugh at her, but he took her seriously and asked if she had called the police. She rang the police at 7am. Woodbourne commanding officer Arthur Gainsford visited the farm and interviewed Moreland later that day. Her husband Frederick had told Gainsford about his wife’s claims that morning. Gainsford found Moreland calm and rational. Local police told him she was ‘’a rational and stable person from their personal knowledge of her when she was of assistance to them on another matter.’’
Moving on into the 60s we come to an outlandish case involving what can only be described as “space penguins.” On the morning of February 14th, 1967, farmer Claude Edwards was surprised to notice that all of his cattle were eerily staring off in the same direction. When he looked to see what was holding their attention, he saw a “large green-gray mushroom-shaped craft” about 70 feet away from him, which he described as smooth, metallic, covered in "shiny silk" and dotted with port holes through which a dazzling array of colors shone.
This light show was mesmerizing, and Edwards found himself approaching the craft, where he noticed a group of very odd entities beneath it. He would say that they looked like penguins, and were 3 feet tall and green with no hands, neck, or visible form of locomotion, and beak-like protrusions instead of mouths. Edwards tried to get closer, but when he did he was stopped by some sort of invisible force field, which also happened to deflect some rocks he threw towards the ship. The space penguins then filed into the craft and shot away at high speeds. Edwards was so reluctant to talk about his bizarre experience that he told his story only on the promise that it would not be published until after his death.
From the pages of Albert S. Rosales’ book “Humanoid Encounters 1970-1974: The Others amongst Us,” there is a weird encounter reported by a student at the University of Georgia by the name of Mars Walker. He claims that one evening he was reading in his modest apartment near the campus when he was startled by a “high-pitched, siren-like sound.” When he went to his window to find out the source of the eerie sound, he saw a glow emanating from outside, so he opened the door to check it out and was met with the sight of a round, smooth craft that slowly descended from the sky about fifty yards away. That’s when things would get really weird. The report continues:
“After five minutes the pitch of the sound became sharper “and a thing took shape within the doughnut shape of the middle.” It required another minute before the form became clearly visible. According to Walker, “It was a human-like being standing erect,” and colored like “a sea green opaque, like a hologram.” The most prominent aspect of the creature was its “medusa-head,” composed of objects resembling tentacles that surrounded the head. Each hand had three or four fingers, but otherwise seemed human. “The odd thing to me” Walker continued, “is how little attention it paid me. No interest in communicating with me or threatening me or any other activity, besides observing.” The scene was surreal; the creature bathed in the pale-green light like “an electrical field,” the student thought. Perhaps it was a hologram. Apparently finished with its duties, the entity went back inside the craft. After a half hour the UFO departed.”
From 1977 there ia a weird encounter in a place called Harrah. which is a tiny rural town in Yakima County, in the center of Washington State, in the United States, with a current population of less than 600 citizens. One frigid winter morning in January of 1977, a 9-year-old José Cantu woke up and went to the kitchen to make something for breakfast. As he did, his concentration was broken by glancing at what he at first thought to be a tiny little man walking past the window. He went to investigate and would soon see that not only was this not a little man, but that it was something far odder than anything he could have imagined.
When Cantu went out into the yards, he was greeted by the sight of a quartet of otherworldly entities that defied classification. Each of the beings was rotund, greenish in color, standing three feet high, with no legs but rather merely wire and tube adorned wide based hovering rotating pedestals where legs would normally be. Perhaps even stranger still, each of the creatures had a pair of mushroom-capped antennas, coarse hair, pig-like noses and a single eye that peered out of round faces. The arms of the beings were described as floppy, tiny little protuberances that looked like they would be worthless for any sort of practical use.
Cantu was so shocked by all of this that he hid himself, and that was when he noticed several metallic crafts, each with another little, green, pig-nosed, cyclops sitting within it. These crafts opened to reveal ramps that descended to the ground, after which the entities ascended into the crafts and they took ff with a puff of smoke. Shortly after this, the boy ran to tell his mother what had happened, but she didn’t believe him. He would also tell his teacher and classmates at school, and considering that he was considered to be an honest boy not prone to tall tales, his teacher and a teacher’s aide went with him to investigate the site where he claimed he had seen the bizarre creatures. There they found circular indentations in the ground and a spherical dent in the ground where one of the crafts had apparently sat. They also discovered that the uncut grass in the center of the circular patterns was swirled upward for reasons unknown. In the end, everyone present was convinced that the boy was telling the truth.
The following year there was a report from Francavilla, Abruzzo, Italy in 1978. On this evening, Mr. Alfredo D'Aviero was returning home on his motorcycle, and since the road was in such poor condition and so riddled with potholes, he looked down to watch where he was going and avoid an accident. A report from Albert S. Rosales on the strange incident continues:
“When he looked up again he found himself facing two unusual characters: they were two strange "little boys", with small, round eyes, arms behind their back and they seemed to laugh, and one of them seemed to have a slightly crooked jaw. They wore a silvery-white outfit tinged with green, zouaves and cuff. At the head,they wore tight hats that also tightened the chin covering the ears, on the left side of their heads,they wore a small "feather". Their legs didn't have any knees and were as stiff as two sticks. The beings also wore some kind of stilts so you can see the bone-free ankles. D'Aviero tried to offer the two cigarettes and persimmons, but they refused any offer, at which D'Aviero decided to "take them" to Francavilla as proof of his experience. He got closer, he got hit by a blinding flash of light, when he opened his eyes again, the two beings were gone.”
What in the world? Just as eerie is a report from 1983, in Val Trebbia, Emilia Romagna, Italy. On a beautiful afternoon the witness, only known as Mr. A. was riding his ‘Aprilia’ trail motorbike on the dry bed of the Treibbia River when he suddenly noticed a “being of very unusual features.” A report on the matter from the files of Albert Rosales reads:
“The witness described the figure as a sort of “flying nun” dressed in a long and dark-colored diving suit, apparently rigid and without folds. The figure also wore a sort of headdress or helmet that closely resembled the one worn by the nuns. The being flew faster than A’s motorbike and at a height of about twenty/thirty centimeters from the ground with its torso slightly bent forward. The bizarre flying figure covered a distance of one hundred and fifty/two hundred meters in about three or four seconds always remaining level to the ground, then it suddenly shot off into the nearby bush and disappeared from sight. It did not make any noise it did not disturb the waters of the river or dust from the ground. The whole encounter lasted about ten interminable seconds. Frightened, the witness immediately reversed and drove towards his house where he told his family what he had seen.”
These are all incredibly strange cases that really skirt the periphery of the bizarre. It is hard to know what we are dealing with in such unconventional accounts. Are these really aliens or do such encounters represent something else entirely? For now, the answers remain elusive, but the reports keep coming in.