Till a few weeks back, I had never heard of Garabandal. But then, I received an unexpected email from a person who wrote,
“I came across your page when listening to the Mysterious Universe YouTube channel interview, found it very interesting. The dates you state of the ending of the kali yuga in 2025 and the transition period being between 2025-2040 and the destruction being fire from the sky is exactly what the seers of Garabandal state as well...I used to be 80% sure Garabandal would happen, now with reading your narrative of the Kali Yuga cycle, I now am 99% convinced.”
Needless to say, I was very intrigued. From the email, Garabandal sounded like the name of a place, but I had no idea where it was, who the “seers” of Garabandal were, and what exactly they had prophesied. So, I started doing what I have been doing for some time now, which is to dig around for facts.
As I started finding out more and more about the strange, inexplicable and downright supernatural events that had transpired in the small mountain village of Garabandal in northern Spain in the mid-20th century, I was utterly amazed. “How come I had never heard any of this before?” I wondered to myself. The chilling prophecies that were revealed to the visionaries of Garabandal are so closely tied to the impending end of the Kali Yuga, and the monumental planetary shift that we are now entering, that I felt it was imperative to bring this to the attention of more people.
After watching a number of YouTube videos[1] (check out this and this for an overview) about the Marian apparitions at Garabandal which occurred between 1961 and 1965, I came upon the earliest and most authoritative book on this subject titled, “The apparitions of Garabandal”, written by F. Sanchez-Ventura Y Pascual, a lawyer, who also held the Chair of Economics and Legislation at the University of Saragossa.[2] The book was written in Spanish in 1965, and was translated into English in 1966.
The author had personally been to Garabandal in 1961 and had interacted with the visionaries and many eye-witnesses, and from them he “was able to gather countless reports, films, letters, photographs, tape recordings and other testimony of all kinds, the very abundance of which served to cross-check their authenticity”. I have relied on this authoritative work of Mr. Pascual for describing the mystical Marian apparitions that took place more than half-a-century ago.
San Sebastian de Garabandal is a small village of barely seventy homes, nestling on the Cantabrian Mountains, at a height of about two thousand feet. The houses here are quaint, and the lanes picturesque, though surfaced in rough stone. Starting in the summer of 1961, four young girls named Mary Loly, Conchita, Jacinta and Mary Cruz, all of whom were between the ages of 11 and 12, were routinely taken up into ecstatic raptures. During these raptures, they interacted with the Blessed Mother, and sometimes received visions and prophecies of great future events.
Between 1961 and 1965 they experienced nearly 2000 of these apparitions, most of which took place while they were surrounded by huge crowds of pilgrims and onlookers. Many inexplicable events of a supernatural nature occurred during these raptures. For instance, the girls did not feel any pain or external sensations, their body weight increased, they experienced time dilation and many more which we will look at in more detail. When they were not in ecstasy, the girls led simple lives as farmers and shepherds.
It all started in the late afternoon of the 18th of June 1961, when the four young girls were playing marbles with some pebbles, in the lane that led to the pine grove located a little bit above the village. Suddenly, they saw the apparition of an angel, whom Conchita described as, "a very beautiful figure, surrounded by a great light that did not dazzle my eyes." Later, the four girls gave the following description of the angel they had seen to the schoolmistress: “He was wearing a long, seamless blue robe. He had fairly big pink wings…He looked about nine years old. But, although he was a child to look at, he gave the impression of being very strong." Later that day, while going to bed, all four girls at the same time heard a voice that said: 'Do not worry. You will see me again'."
Since then, the angel appeared to the four girls on a number of separate occasions. All the sightings took place in the same location, in the late afternoon or evening, after the girls had said the rosary and were in the company of the villagers and the parish priest. This is what happened on the afternoon of June 21st, as Mr. Pascual writes,
“So it happened that several villagers were there to say the rosary that afternoon of June 21st. Then, as they ended the decade, all at once the extraordinary thing happened. As one, the four girls seemed suddenly to be frozen to the spot. Kneeling there, they wore a sweet expression on their pale faces, which seemed to reflect a strange light. All four were looking in the same direction, absorbed. Their heads were thrown back at a surprising angle. Their unblinking eyes were staring up at the heavens. One smiled. Another posed the question that the parish priest had instructed them to ask. "Who are you? Why have you come?" But the angel did not answer."
When girls went into the visionary state, “it was as if they were deep in a divine slumber; they were unaware of anything that occurred about them. They entered a field of vision placed above the natural plane, a state that isolated them from the things of this world. When they were in ecstasy, they could see each other. But, if one of them lost her state of ecstasy, she disappeared from the field of vision of the others, as though the rapture were a stage and one of the visionaries had gone off into the wings.” And every time the four girls came out of the vision, they were quite normal and smiling.
As the news of the apparitions spread, people began to arrive from distant villages, including doctors, priests and people from all walks of life. On the scene of the apparitions – which was a specific place on the “sunken lane” that led to the pine grove - a small stone enclosure (“cuadro”) had been erected to protect the children from the avalanche of eager spectators. The angel never spoke during the first few visions. But finally, on July 1st, he told the girls that the next day, Sunday, the Blessed Mother would come, and she would appear under the name of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Needless to say, on Sunday, July 2nd, the streets of Garabandal were packed with strangers. Just before six o'clock, the girls set off for the "cuadro," (i.e. the stone enclosure on the sunken lane), and no sooner had they reached the spot that they found themselves in the presence of the Blessed Mother, accompanied by two angels. One was a stranger; the other was St. Michael. As per Conchita, the angels were very alike, "as if they were twins". On the Blessed Mother's right, they could see a “square of red fire framing a triangle with an eye and some writing in an odd oriental script.” Later, the girls gave the following description of the Blessed Mother: “She comes wearing a white robe, a blue mantle and a crown of golden stars; her hands are outstretched with a brown scapular, except when she has the Infant Jesus in her arms. Her dark chestnut hair is long and parted in the middle. Her face is rather long, with a very dainty nose. Her mouth is very pretty, with slightly full lips. She looks about seventeen and is tallish.” All four girls stress the unmistakable sound of her voice. "There's no other voice like hers."
Let us pause here for a while and reflect on the archetypal symbols associated with the vision of the Blessed Mother. “Why did she appear with the infant Jesus in her arms?” some have wondered. “Does, Jesus have the body of a child in heaven?” they mused sarcastically. The answer lies in the fact that this is the archetypal form in which the “Planetary Mother” has been venerated over eons by our ancestors, as the divine mother and protector of the “Savior God” of humanity.
In ancient Egypt, this was the form in which the Mother Goddess Isis was represented, nursing the infant Horus, who would later become the leader of the sky gods and an indefatigable force against evil. It is Horus, who was addressed as the “Benu Bird” or “Phoenix”, who will return as the herald of a new age. In India, the Mother Goddess Parvati is shown nursing her heroic son Kartikeya – also popularly known as “Sanat Kumara” (i.e. the eternally youthful one) - who is the “Lord of the World” and the leader of the celestial army, and will return as the Avatar at the end of this age. A similar image from India shows Devaki nursing the infant Krishna, who will appear at the end of this Yuga to deliver people from evil. Similar archetypes exist in many other cultures, such the goddess Tyche holding the infant Plutus in Greek art, the goddess Kariteimo of Japan holding an infant in her left hand, and so on.
The reason why this archetypal form was chosen by the Blessed Mother was probably because she wanted to send across the message that her manifestation at Garabandal cuts across the limitations of religion and cult, time and space, and is relevant for the whole word.
Another interesting archetypal symbol associated with the apparition of the Blessed Mother is the “square of red fire framing a triangle with an eye”. The “triangle with an eye” is a symbol that many are familiar with in the modern day. It represents the “All-Seeing Eye” or the “Eye of Providence”, which is the form in which the Creator and Savior of humanity were represented in a multitude of ancient cultures.
In Egypt, this was called the “Eye of Horus” or “Eye of Ra”, which protects the king and wards off his enemies. Spell 316 of the Coffin Texts states “I am the all-seeing eye of Horus, whose appearance strikes terror…who takes the form of blazing light…whose birth Atum established." In India, the preserver god Vishnu (one of whose avatars is Krishna) was described as an “eye in heaven.” The Rig Veda 1.22 states, “The princes evermore behold that loftiest place where Vishnu is, laid as it were an eye in heaven.”
The symbol was popular amongst the Gnostics of Europe, found its way into Renaissance art where it became a symbol of the Trinity, and subsequently came to be used by the Freemasons, who regard it as a symbol of the Supreme Being, the “Grand Architect of the Universe”. This is how it eventually ended up on the US one-dollar bill.
The Garabandal visions of the Blessed Mother, can, therefore, be interpreted in a much broader context, wherein, the “Planetary Mother”, who is also the mother of the “Savior God” of humanity, appeared to the four girls in order to pass on some important messages to humanity, particularly about the epochal changes that lie ahead for all of us, and how we ought to live and change our lives in order navigate these challenges. With that said, let us carry on with the events that had transpired at Garabandal.
During the first apparition, the girls spoke to the Blessed Mother at considerable length about their day-to-day life in the village; just the kind of normal, spontaneous conversation that a child would have with her mother. She spoke to them with great love and patience. They blew her kisses, and she even permitted them to hold her crown in their hands. Mr. Pascual writes, “Henceforth the visions became more and more frequent. There were often several in a single day. The hour at which the apparitions took place also varied greatly; they occurred early in the morning, at noon, after lunch, etc. The commonest time was from seven to nine in the evening. Later on, they occurred at night, ending as late as five o'clock in the morning on a number of occasions. Their duration was equally variable. As a rule, however, the rapture lasted about half an hour, and often enough continued for as long as two hours.”
Soon, the pilgrims and curious visitors started giving the girls all kinds of sacred objects such as rosaries, wedding rings, medals, etc. that the girls offered to the Blessed Mother to kiss. The girls were guided by the apparition to return each object to its rightful owner. Many miraculous events occurred during these raptures, which the author has documented in great detail. The visions continued from 1961 to 1965, in the course of which the Blessed Mother gave the girls some important messages for humanity as well as visions and prophecies of future events.
A letter from Conchita talks about her last vision which happened on November 13th, 1965. In the course of the conversation, the Blessed Mother told Conchita, "Conchita, I have not come only for your sake; I have come for the sake of all my children, with the desire of bringing them closer to Our Hearts". And when Conchita asked her, “Why do you not take me with you now?” the Blessed Mother replied, “Remember what I told you on your saint's day, and when you present yourself before God you must show Him your hands full of good works done by you for the benefit of your brethren and for the Glory of God; and at present your hands are empty.”
Before we get to the messages and prophecies given to the girls by the Blessed Mother, let us look at some of the strange, inexplicable and miraculous events that used to happen during these visions, that have defied all explanations. Even though hundreds of doctors, priests, reporters and people from all walks of life visited Garabandal to investigate the phenomenon, they were utterly bewildered and could offer no rational explanation for what was going on; which leaves the supernatural as the only possible answer.
During the visions, the girls could not see anything around them, apart from the Blessed Mother (and the angels, when they were present). They could see the other girls as long as they remained in a state of ecstasy. It’s almost as if they had been pulled into a “bubble dimension”, where the laws of physics operate differently, and into which the light from our world cannot penetrate and vice versa. The presence of light sources or objects very close to their eyes did not cause the slightest flicker of their eyelids. On one occasion, a film was taken of the visionaries of Garabandal, with the help of powerful spotlights. As long as the girls were in the visionary state they did not even blink. But as soon as the vision ended, they immediately shut their eyes and protested at the glare of the lights trained on them.
Another peculiar feature was that, as long as the girls were in rapture they could lift one another up with the greatest of ease. In one of the photographs, Conchita can be seen, before the church door, lifting Mary Loly up to give something to the Virgin to be kissed. “On the other hand, two grown men were barely able to move a single child when in a rapture,” because of a strange extra weight that overcame the girls when in ecstasy. It’s as if even gravity operates differently within the “bubble dimension” the girls got pulled into.
The girls were completely oblivious to any kind of physical pain while they were in rapture. They did not even feel the weather, and sometimes, when the rapture occurred during a spell of rain, they did not realize that they were getting drenched, until after the vision had ended. Dozens of tests were done over the years, such as pricking them with needles or keeping lighted candles close to their skin, but they evoked no response, whatsoever. Even Edgar Cayce had been subjected to many such tests by physicians, and all of them had walked away scratching their heads as to why Cayce was oblivious to pain when he went into his trances.
It seems, as though, the pain-sensing neurons in our body (“nociceptors”) get switched off when someone enters a trance-like state or gets pulled into a “bubble dimension”. The visionaries of Garabandal displayed this trait on numerous occasions. During many of their raptures, they used to suddenly fall on their knees, crashing down on the stony pathways with tremendous force. But they showed not the slightest sign of pain. “They only left marks,” Conchita stated. Mr. Pascual writes,
"One totally reliable eyewitness was deeply impressed on one occasion, when Mary Loly fell and hit her head on the edge of a step. The step in question was made of cement. The noise of the jarring blow was spine-chilling. “The bystanders”, says the eyewitness, “smothered a scream of horror, but the child remained calmly sitting on the floor, smiling and chatting happily with the Virgin. When she came out of her, rapture, they asked whether she had felt the blow. She could recall nothing...On examination, however, her head was seen to have a large bump where it had struck the step.”
Within this “bubble dimension”, time stood still for the visionaries. Very often they would have a vision lasting a couple of hours, which seemed like a mere two minutes to the girls. When the Virgin took her leave, they were saddened. "Don't go yet awhile; you have only been here a second," they often pleaded. Moreover, the visions did not induce any kind of physical tiredness in the girls. They did not require the sleep that they lost during the vision. Once, Mary Loly remained in ecstasy from 9 pm to 5 am, with one or two brief intervals. She went to bed at six o'clock in the morning and rose for Mass at nine, without showing the slightest signs of weariness later in the day.
After a few days of the initial vision of the Blessed Mother, the girls began their ecstatic walks. They walked at whirlwind speed, without looking to see the way, and the villagers had to run to keep pace with them. They walked forwards and backwards, and, quite incredibly, many times, they descended along the uneven, stony path that led to the pines, by walking backwards at breakneck speed. The Catalonian author, Mercedes Salisachs, who had visited Garabandal, wrote. “When Mary Loly at last started down the mountainside, I saw her running backwards, her gaze piercing the gloom overhead, avoiding obstacles and potholes as if she had eyes in the back of her head.”
It seems that even the locomotive abilities of the girls were being controlled by the apparition as long as they were in the “bubble dimension”. Mercedes Salisachs even saw Conchita levitate above the ground, which suggests an external control over the movement of the girls. She wrote, “After kneeling down, she arched over backwards until she was reclining on the floor. All at once, it was as if she was lifted upwards. People round her claimed that not a single part of her was touching the floor, but I cannot testify to this case of levitation because, from where I stood, I could not be certain."
During the visions, the girls used to carry dozens of rosaries, wedding rings and other sacred objects given by the onlookers, which they gave to the Blessed Mother to kiss. There are many photographs where the children are seen with thick ropes of rosaries around their necks and their fingers covered in wedding rings. They had no idea to whom these objects belonged but were guided by the apparition to return each object to the rightful owner. The visionaries put the rosary or chain around the neck of the owner, without taking their eyes off the apparition. They unerringly placed rings on the correct finger. When a pious object was lost or misplaced during the walks, the girls managed to retrieve it by asking the Blessed Mother for directions. An article published in the "Pensamiento Alaves" newspaper on April 27th, 1962, describes in vivid and moving details, the experience of Dr. Jose de la Vega at Garabandal.
"A few hours later, I found myself watching the second apparition at close quarters. It was before dawn on Holy Saturday. The rain was pouring down, and the whole village looked like a rock-strewn mud-pie. Armed with torches, we followed one of the visionaries at a great pace as she went round the village streets in ecstasy. Clasped between her hands was a crucifix. Her head was thrown back, her smiling eyes staring up at the heavens . . . From time to time, she would drop to her knees, pray and kiss the Cross. Half the locals and all the strangers, even visiting children, followed her, openmouthed in wonder.
"In the little visionary's wake, we plunged down practically every lane and alley in the hamlet; we visited the church porch, the cemetery, and the mountainside where the Virgin Mary had appeared for the first time. The unevenness of the ground underfoot, the darkness and my city-dweller's innate clumsiness caused me to trip up on every stone that lay in my path. Bit by bit, I was left behind. I could go no farther and decided to await the return of the others. My wife could not bear to stop, despite the fact that she was already panting for breath. On she went, drawing courage from my own incredulity.
"All of a sudden, before she reached the brow, the ecstatic child halted in her tracks and started to run downhill backwards, scarcely brushing the steep stony ground in her passage, her smiling gaze never leaving the night sky. Reaching the spot where I was waiting, she stopped. With a resounding thud, she fell to her bare knees on the sharp stones, as though they were a feather cushion. Then, she raised her crucifix heavenwards, paused, and proffered it to me to kiss. Around her neck were hanging medals and rosaries belonging to nearly all those present. Her fingers sought a particular chain, while she whispered rather than talked to her invisible apparition: "Tell me which one it is. Is this it?” She held the medal up for the Virgin in her vision to kiss. “Now, tell me whose it is,” we all heard her murmur huskily. "Without a moment's hesitation, she turned to my wife, opened the gold catch of the chain and fastened it round her neck. My wife fell to her knees, moved to tears like myself and others who saw that strange scene. The child made her kiss the medal blessed by the Virgin Mary's lips and helped her to her feet with an angelic smile that we shall never forget.”
The mode of communication between the apparition and the girls appears to have been entirely telepathic. When it was time for an ecstasy, the girls received telepathic “summons” – which they heard within their heads, and not through the ears. When all of them were called together, all four rushed out of the house at the same time (even though they did not possess any watch). An investigator of events at Garabandal noted down Jacinta's impressions.
"When the Virgin calls you, does she say 'Jacinta'?"
"The first time," she explained, "she just says 'Jacinta'; the second, 'Jacinta, come'; and the third time, 'Jacinta, hurry, hurry, hurry . . .' But all this is inside me and without actual words.
Sometimes, when the raptures were interrupted, the children kept up their telepathic contact with the apparition, which they called “locution”. Conchita said: "They're like a voice of joy, a voice of happiness, a voice of peace. These locutions have done me a lot of good, because it's as though the Blessed Virgin were inside me. I prefer the locutions to the apparitions, because in the locutions I have her inside me.” It is quite likely that, during the visions, the girls were also communicating telepathically with the Blessed Mother, since they were heard whispering in earnest voices. Since the girls were accustomed to speech, they may have continued to move their lips and tongue, although that might not have been necessary.
This is just a brief overview of some of the extraordinary and miraculous events that used to occur routinely in Garabandal between the years 1961 and 1965. The entire phenomenon had been seen, documented, photographed, filmed, recorded and scrutinized by so many people that there is no doubt about the veracity of what had happened there, as incredulous as it may seem. There are many more interesting details, anecdotes, reports and miraculous phenomena documented in the book by Mr. Pascual, which should be consulted by anyone curious to know more. Those who had visited Garabandal in those days felt a strong sense of peace, love and friendship, and those who went there with a bit of skepticism in their minds, inevitably returned baffled, and often entirely transformed. The visions, undoubtedly, constitute some of the most mind-boggling paranormal events of the 20th century.
One might naturally wonder, why don’t we hear of Garabandal more often? Why didn’t the Catholic Church officially declare it as a supernatural event or miracle, and convert Garabandal into a major site of pilgrimage? The reason for that will become apparent once we read the two messages for humanity that the Blessed Mother had asked the girls to deliver – the first one in 1961 and the second one in 1965.
The first message was read out by Conchita on October 18, 1961, from a piece of paper signed by all four of them. She read out the message from the pine grove, where many pilgrims had assembled. This is what the message said:
“We must make many sacrifices, do much penance. We must visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently; but first, we must be good and unless we do this, a punishment will befall us. The Cup is already filling and unless we change, a very great punishment will befall us.”
The second and final message of the Blessed Mother was given to Conchita by St. Michael the Archangel, in an ecstasy on June 18, 1965. Conchita knew about the vision more than five months in advance. Here’s what it stated:
"As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Many priests are following the road to perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls. Ever less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart. He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, wish to tell you that you should make amends. You are now being given the last warnings. I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and We shall grant your plea. You must make more sacrifices. Reflect on the Passion of Jesus."
As soon as we read the second message it become obvious why the Catholic Church did not acknowledge the events at Garabandal as a miracle. The cat was out of the bag! The priests were on the road to perdition and taking souls with them. And how many skeletons have tumbled out of the closet of the Church since then? We can well imagine that, if many priests were on the road to perdition in 1965, that lane must be clogged by now, and quite a few would be already rejoicing in their destination.
In a way, it’s a blessing that the miraculous events at Garabandal did not receive official recognition as a miracle, for, had that been the case, there is a very good chance that all the writings, films and recordings of Garabandal may have been seized, the details of the actual events would have been scrubbed, sanitized, and infused with Church dogma, the visionaries may have been instructed not to interact with the media, and the entire phenomenon could have been reduced into a contrived narrative, devoid of truth or inspiration. Maybe, that is why the second message was delivered – to preserve the truth of what had happened at Garabandal for posterity.
We now come to the three important prophecies that had been given to the visionaries of Garabandal, which have evinced much interest amongst those who are aware of these events. These prophecies are known as The Warning, The Miracle and The Chastisement.
As per the book, The apparitions of Garabandal, the following note had been written down by Conchita regarding the warning:
“The Virgin told me about this on January 1st, 1965, up in the pine grove. I can not say what it will consist of, because she did not command me to do so. And, as for when it is going to be, she did not tell me, so I do not know. What I do know is that it will be visible to everybody; it will be a direct work of God and will take place before the miracle. I do not know whether people will die because of it. They could only die from the shock of seeing it."
In a letter written by Conchita, she wrote that she had received message of a "warning so that the world will make amends". "This warning," she says, "is like a punishment, for the just and the wicked alike; for the just, so as to bring them closer to God, and for the wicked to announce to them that time is running out, and that these are the last warnings. It is very long; I cannot explain it by letter. Nobody can prevent this coming. It is a certainty, although I do not know the day or anything about the date.”
In 1973, after Conchita had moved to the US, she was interviewed by Dr. Jeronimo Dominguez in New York City. In that interview, Conchita described the warning.
“The lady said that she was going to give us the best remedies to help us lead good lives, and this warning was for the whole world. It will be felt all over; Garabandal, America, the whole world. Everyone will feel it, you will feel alone in the world before your sins and all your miseries, and have a chance to amend your life. It will be a terrible feeling, you will suffer terror but without physical pain. Yes, everyone will feel it, everybody in a different way, it will be felt in all countries by people of all religions. (Will anyone die from the warning?) No, only if it is by shock."
In an interview in English in 1980, Conchita revealed more details on how the warning may sound and look like:
"You can be anywhere in the world...you are going to feel that warning. It will be direct from God. You are going to feel it inside you. You are going to see it with your eyes. But it will not hurt you. To me it’s like two stars crashing and making a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t fall down. They don’t hit us and we are going to see it. In that moment, we are going to see our conscience. You are going to see everything wrong that you are doing. You are going to see everything good that you are not doing."
Mary Loly was one of the visionaries of Garabandal, and she was the only one (of the four) who knew the date of the warning. Unfortunately, Mary Loly passed away in New Hampshire in 2009. In an interview in 1983, Mary Loly described what the warning will feel like.
"It is a purification so that you notice your own faults, how much we have been offending God, the things that we do wrong and to feel sorry for it. Everybody is supposed to feel the warning at the same time, no matter where they are. Everything will stop. Each one feel depending on how that person is. They will feel frightened, sad, because they will recognize the things that they do wrong very clearly.
(Interviewer: "You once said before the warning Communism will dominate the world. Did the Blessed Mother tell you this?") Yes. The communists will take over the world. She said it will be very hard for the priest to say mass, for the people to practice religion, and the priests will be persecuted. The churches will be closed for they will not allow for the priest to say mass or the people to go there."
Many people have wondered over the years when the warning might occur, and what it could consist of. One thing is quite certain: it is definitely going to occur in the near future. Within one year of the warning, Conchita is going to announce the date when a miracle will happen at Garabandal. Since Conchita turned 75 in early 2024, the warning and the miracle should both take place sometime in the next 15 years or so.
This is what got me really interested in the Garabandal prophecies, since, as per the Yuga Cycle framework, the Kali Yuga ends in 2025, which is due to be followed by an intense period of transformation till 2040, when the current ideologies and constructs of the Kali Yuga that are based on greed, separation and selfish interests are likely to fade away and our reality will be dramatically altered. 2025 is the year when we enter into the period of transformation that the Greeks called Ekpyrosis – which means cleansing by fire – and no sooner did the year get underway than we saw the devastating fires erupt in Los Angeles, during a time which is not traditionally considered to be the fire season. The morning shows the day, and the ongoing fire events across the world seem to be a message from Mother Nature that the period of transformation has already commenced.
In one of her interviews, Conchita provided an important clue for deciphering what the warning might consist of. She said, “To me it’s like two stars crashing and making a lot of noise and a lot of light but they don’t fall down.” To me, this sounds like a large, effulgent comet entering our atmosphere with a lot of noise. Large meteors and comets can cause “sonic booms” when they enter the earth’s atmosphere, since they travel faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, and sound similar to an explosion or a thunderclap. Comets can also remain stationary in the skies for a long time, and don’t always follow Kepler’s laws of motion. The 1st century CE historian, Josephus, was referring to a comet when he described a star, resembling a sword, which stood over the city of Jerusalem for an entire year, in 66 CE.[3]
Comets have also been traditionally described as the messengers of God and the harbingers of doom. In The Popular Science Monthly (1885), Andrew Dickson White, the Late President of Cornell University, wrote about the early Christian beliefs about comets:
“The belief that every comet is ball of fire, flung from the right hand of an angry God to warn the groveling dwellers of earth, was received into the early Church…The great Fathers of the Church committed themselves unreservedly to this doctrine. Tertullian declared that ‘comets portend revolutions of kingdoms, pestilence, war, winds, or heat.’ Origen insisted that they indicate “catastrophes and the downfall of empires and worlds.’”[4]
It is not difficult to imagine that if a massive, brilliant comet were to enter the earth’s atmosphere with a deafening sonic boom, and lurk in the heavens above us for some time, it will appear as if that comet has a conscious mind or is regulated by a divine intelligence. The powerful energies of the comet will be seen and felt all over the world, and can potentially induce strong psychological reactions and intense soul searching.
The Garabandal warning also shows a connection to the Hopi prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina. As per the Hopi, this is the ninth and final sign that will indicate the end of the Fourth World:
"You will hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a Blue Star. Very soon after this the ceremonies of my people will cease."
It seems to me very likely that the “Blue Star” refers to a comet with a brilliant ion-tail, which typically appears bluish due to the presence of carbon monoxide ions. The comet is expected to give off a thundering sonic boom sounding like a “great crash” as it enters the earth’s atmosphere.
Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf in the book LAST CRY: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, gave more details of the Blue Star Kachina.
“The story of the Blue Star Kachina is a very old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohul, the Blue Star Kachina in “The Book of the Hopi”, the story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest Hopi...It was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. Then the Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times...The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life…”[5]
So the Blue Star Kachina is also expected to trigger some pretty intense psychological reactions within us, which will seem like “fires that burn within us”. The fire could either cleanse our ego, leading us towards greater awareness, empathy and harmony, or, it could exacerbate the lustful and violent tendencies within us and cause further global conflicts.
In my book, Yuga Shift, I have postulated that the passage of the earth through the dense swarm of comets and asteroids within the Taurid meteor stream, known as the Taurid Resonant Swarm, in the years 2032 and 2036, could be the defining moments of the Yuga-transitional period. My thinking was that, just before the 2032 passage, one or more comets within the swarm could get activated (they are currently in a dormant state), and cause serious damage. However, I had an intuitive feeling that the 2032 encounter would be more of a “warning”. Here’s what I wrote in my book:
“I think that the 2032 passage will fire the warning shots, making us aware of a greater reality, and of the ardent need to change our thought patterns and way of life. It will not cause a civilizational collapse but could be a dress rehearsal for what will happen in 2036”
On the basis of my study, I would place the Garabandal warning in the year 2032, when we pass the Taurid swarm sometime between October and December.
There’s something that Mary Loly said about the situation prevailing in the world prior to the warning that deserves our attention. She said that “The communists will take over the world. It will be very hard for the priest to say mass, for the people to practice religion, the priests will be persecuted, and the churches will be closed.”
I think what Mary Loly really meant by the word “communists” are the forces and agencies of irreligion, atheism and gross materialism. Her statements seem to imply that, prior to the warning, a large part of the world may come under the rule of a technology and AI-regulated New World Order where the practice of religion will be prohibited and the places of worship –churches, temples, mosques, monasteries, etc. - will be shut down.
This may not seem like a far-fetched idea if you have been paying attention to some of the volatile rhetoric that came out of the centers of power in Europe throughout 2024. The new head of the British army, Gen Sir Roland Walker, said that Britain must be ready to fight a war in three years i.e. by 2027, and he counted Russia, China and Iran as the greatest threats. The German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said, “We must be ready for war by 2029,” citing potential Russian aggression as the reason. Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, warned that Europe has entered a “pre-war era”, while Sweden issued a statement in August saying that, Russia poses the most serious threat to the Nordic country’s security until 2030. And just a few weeks ago, the newly appointed EU Commissioner for Defense and Space, Andrius Kubilius, said, “We must be ready to meet Russia militarily in six to eight years,” and followed it up with a dose of Kali Yuga wisdom, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
It seems that the leaders of many European countries are actively gearing up for a major offensive in the period between 2027 and 2030. What exactly could they be planning? Are they preparing for a global war to remove all opposition to their hegemony and to unfurl the New World Order on a scared, hapless population caught up in the throes of large-scale devastation? I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the case.
There is a good chance, therefore, that people in many parts of the world could be living under the tyranny of a NWO, when the warning comes, as Mary Loly had seen in her visions.
Let us now move on to the next prophecy revealed to the Garabandal visionaries – the Miracle.
As per the book, The apparitions of Garabandal, the following note had been written down by Conchita regarding the miracle:
"The Virgin told only me about the miracle. She forbade me to say what it will consist of. I cannot reveal the date either until eight days beforehand. What I am allowed to say is that it will coincide with an event in the Church, and with the feast of a saint who is a martyr of the Holy Eucharist; it will be at half-past eight on a Thursday evening; it will be visible to everybody in the village and on the surrounding mountainsides; the sick who are present will be cured and the incredulous will believe. It will be the greatest miracle that Jesus has worked for the world. There will not remain the slightest doubt that it comes from God and is for the good of mankind. In the pine grove, a sign of the miracle will be left forever. It will be possible to film and televise it."
In the 1973 interview, Conchita said that the information about the miracle was given to her on the 19th of March, 1963. This is how she described the miracle in the interview:
"She (The Blessed Mother) said that there would be a great miracle at Garabandal that God would perform for the world. It would be something very big and there would not be any doubt that God has sent it himself. He will use nothing of this world to make this miracle. All present near and around will witness it. The sick will be cured. There will be a sign that will remain for all time in the pines (the pine grove at Garabandal), that you can see, photograph or televise, but not touch. A definite sign from God. I don't know when the warning will come, but it will be before the miracle. The date of the miracle I know exactly. However, I have been charged by the lady not to speak of it until eight days prior to the miracle. I will tell everybody eight days before it happens...I am waiting for the words of the lady to be fulfilled. I am waiting for the miracle."
In the interview in English in 1980, Conchita said, “I know the sign but I cannot explain it. I know you can see it, you can take pictures, but you can’t feel it. ("Is it like a bright light?" she is asked by the interviewer) Yes, something like that, and its going to be there forever.”
In an interview with the “Late Late Show From New York”, Conchita said, "I say it (miracle) will happen between April and June.”
Jacinta, who was one of the Garabandal visionaries, revealed in an interview with José María Zavala in 2021, that: “We must have hope. The Warning will come first and in the same year, I believe, the Miracle. And if despite the Miracle there is no repentance, then no one will get rid of the Chastisement.”[6]
These are some of the statements about the miracle made by the Garabandal visionaries. I have no idea what the miracle might consist of, and I guess we will only know it when it happens. As for the date, it is supposed to occur within one year of the warning, on a Thursday, sometime between April and June. Going by this information, I will place the miracle in the year 2033, in the month of April / May / June on a Thursday.
Now let’s move on to what the Garabandal visionaries have said about the Chastisement.
On June 19, 1962, the young visionaries were shown terrifying scenes of future events. For fifty minutes they were in a state of agony. On the second night - The Night of The Screams - the prophecy of the conditional chastisement was revealed to the seers, which brought terror and tears to the children. As per the book, The apparitions of Garabandal, the following note had been written down by Conchita regarding the chastisement or punishment:
“The punishment is conditioned to whether or not mankind heeds the Blessed Virgin's messages and the miracle. If it does take place, then I know what it will consist of, because the Virgin told me, but I am not allowed to say. What is more, I have seen the punishment. What I can assure you is that, if it comes, it is far worse than if we were enveloped in fire; worse than if we had fire above us, and fire beneath. I do not know how long a time will elapse after the miracle, before God sends it."
In the 1980 interview, when Conchita was asked, "When you look at your little children, and you look ahead to the future, are you frightened for them?” she replied that she was, and the ongoing moral degeneration of our society tells her that the chastisement is almost certain.
"Yes, I do...I think they are going to suffer a lot. I believe after the miracle, although we will say we are going to change our lives, I think we got too spoiled, we don’t do sacrifice, we have lost our sense of sin, its very hard to start all over again, even to teach it to children, and I see the way they are teaching to children now that there is no sin anymore. I believe we are all going to get the punishment and if the punishment is coming I am sure it is going to get my children and my children’s lives. And that worries me.”
In Jacinta’s interview with José María Zavala in 2021, which has been published in a book titled, “The end times are here: the seer Jacinta of Garabandal breaks her silence”, Jacinta explained how we must lead our lives in order to face the coming miracle and chastisement.
“The Chastisement, I insist, is contingent on conversion and we must have hope and pray a lot for the world to change, even if it doesn’t seem like this is going to occur for the moment...It will be a rebirth for the soul. Many people are terrified of thinking about the Chastisement, but I tell them: The best thing is to live from day to day with hope and peace, staying close to God. The rest will follow. The problem is the people who continue to live with their backs to Christ and thus it is impossible to be happy and have hope…You do not have to be afraid, but change your life right now, instead of waiting for the Miracle to occur while you dedicate yourself to offend God as you please. I will not be tired of repeating that the conversion has to be today, and not tomorrow. We should ask God for a lot of help, because He is the only one who can sustain us and protect us in the face of the adversity that lies ahead.”
The chastisement, as we learn from Conchita’s description, will be caused by fire which will come from above and below, which lines up with what the Yuga Cycle framework tells us: that, we are now entering a period of transition called Ekpyrosis, when the world will be purified and renewed by fire.
Nearly 75 years ago, the theosophist Alice Bailey had made a similar prophecy about the times we are living in. She said that “three aspects of our reality must be recognized by humanity before the year 2025 if the destruction of mankind is to be averted. They are: Recognition of the Christ spirit within, Recognition of the Hierarchy, and Recognition of the Divine Plan. She believed that destruction by fire was a definite possibility. “If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”[7]
So what might cause the fiery ordeal at the end of this age? The Hopi prophecies provide a clue. The Hopi say that the Blue Star Kachina will be followed by the Red Star Kachina who will bring about the Day of Purification. This is what Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf wrote in the book LAST CRY: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times.
“When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings… This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens. In this way we will know that the Creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt very strongly…Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state... All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World…
After a time we will again walk with our brothers from the Stars, and rebuild this earth. But, not until the Purifier has left his mark upon the universe…Nothing living will go untouched, here or in the heavens. The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the earth and in harmony with her creatures. Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers of the Spirit. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have fared in our journey.”
It seems to me that the Red Star Kachina could be another large, effulgent comet, which appears red due to the emission of sodium ions. Incidentally, the Navajo people have a prophecy that a Nine-pointed Star – which is most likely a comet with nine tails - will come from the east and unify all races and nations.
In Yuga Shift, I had shown that many ancient cultures venerated a large, brilliant comet as the symbol, star, messenger or animal mount of the Savior God, which is tasked with carrying out the divine will. It was described by the ancients as a many-tailed, effulgent, “bird of fire” that can strike us with thunder and lightning, stop the rotation of the earth, block out the sun, bring rain and fertility and seed the earth with new life. It returns periodically to herald a new age and was known by many names – the Phoenix, Benu Bird, the Eagle of Zeus, the Garuda Bird of Vishnu, the Thunderbird of the Native Americans etc. It is possible that this comet is located within the Taurid Resonant Swarm and may get activated sometime prior to our passage through the swarm in the year 2036.
Although Conchita mentioned that she does not know how long after the miracle the chastisement will happen, in a number of readings, Edgar Cayce had said that the return of the Messiah will take place in ’36, when “His star will appear”. The year ’36 very likely refers to 2036, for there is no reason why Cayce would have prophesied the return of the Savior in 1936, when he had made a number of stunningly accurate predictions about the Second World War that followed soon afterward. Cayce’s descriptions of the events that will accompany the return of the Messiah are reminiscent of a cometary apocalypse. Cayce said that the earth changes in 2036 will be initiated by “outside forces”, which will “disturb the equilibrium of the earth itself in space”, and, as a result, “the sun will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in diverse places”.[8]
I will, therefore, place the chastisement in the year 2036, sometime between June 5 and July 18, when the earth will cross the section of the Taurid stream known as the Beta Taurids.
Evidently, a number of prophecies are converging in the near future. The fact that Conchita is now 75 years old, and she is waiting to announce the date of the miracle, is a clear indication that we are in the end times. We just can’t get around it anymore. It’s all getting very real now. This is the time for us to wake up from the stupor of the Kali Yuga and put our lives back on the right track, by returning to living in truth, love, simplicity and harmony, as all the messages are telling us to do.
As I was watching the interviews of the Garabandal visionaries, I was struck by how all of them radiated love, peace, humility, and empathy, which shows that their conscience has been touched by a divine influence. They shunned the limelight all their lives, and led simple, married lives, dedicated to service, because, as per Conchita, that is what the Blessed Mother had instructed them to do. While Conchita is now waiting for the time to announce the miracle, I think the world will benefit greatly if she came out of her self-imposed exile and shared her wisdom, insights and the teachings she received from the Blessed Mother, and be a beacon in these challenging times. As the Kali Yuga winds up and the day of warning draws nearer, the world needs as much truth, guidance and inspiration as it can possibly get.
[1] These two YouTube videos provide a good overview of what had happened at Garabandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkhhh85hiew and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tCAwgmmTuk
[2] The book is available for free download at the Garabandal.info website. Click here: https://www.garabandal.info/book
[3] Flavius Josephus, The Wars of the Jews 6.5.3, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2850/2850-h/2850-h.htm
[4] Andrew Dickson White, “New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: The Doctrine of Comets”, The Popular Science Monthly, 1885, p. 723.
[5] Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Last Cry: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, Trafford Publishing, 2003.
[6] https://garabandalnews.org/2021/11/18/interview-to-jacinta-one-of-the-seers-of-the-apparitions-of-our-lady-in-garabandal-published-as-a-book-by-jose-maria-zavala-a-renown-spanish-catholic-journalist-in-november-15th-2021/
[7] Dorje Jinpa, “The Coming Avatar”, 2013, http://whenthesoulawakens.org/the-coming-avatar_448.html
[8] Reading 311-8, April 9, 1932; Reading 3976-10, August 2, 1932; Reading 3976-15, January 19, 1934.