Feb 20, 2025 I Marcus Lowth

Disclosure or Disinformation? Standing at the Crossroad to the Truth of the UFO and Alien Question!

UFO Disclosure has been coming – we are told – for some time now. The fact is, though, for all the softening of tone concerning UFO encounters in the media, the removing of the tongue from their collective cheek, and semi-serious debate on the matter in the mainstream, we are no closer to the truth of the UFO and alien mysteries now than we were before the leaking of the tic-tac UFO footage and the eventual admission from the Pentagon that the video was authentic and the object in question unexplained.

Many people believed David Grusch's public declarations several years later would finally reveal just what the government - both the American government and other governments around the world - knows about UFOs, where they come from, why they are coming here, and, most importantly, what intelligence lies behind them. However, aside from an attempt to rebrand UFOs as UAPs, there has been little movement in terms of full or even partial disclosure.

It is perhaps best to start with one of the leaked videos that took the public down the road to the pre-disclosure era we currently find ourselves in. Released to the public in December 2017 and reported on by the New York Times, the footage in question was shot on November 14th, 2004, and involved the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group that was around 100 miles southwest off the coast of San Diego, California taking part in drills and exercises (incidentally, part of the strike group was the USS Princeton, which was a nuclear-powered vessel, something which we will return to later).

On this particular afternoon, as part of these exercises, two F/A 18 Super Hornet fighters were airborne when they suddenly received orders from the USS Princeton. They were, the orders stated, to break off from their training drill and concentrate on a “real-world” task. They were, essentially, in a “live” situation. What the pilots of the fighter jets in question were unaware of was that the USS Princeton had been tracking several strange, unidentified objects for the last several days. In fact, rather than just several, a senior radar operator onboard the USS Princeton would later state that he alone had tracked “well over 100” of these mysterious craft in the course of only a week. He further stated that “watching them on the display was like watching snow fall from the sky!” Even more remarkable, he claimed that these objects appeared at altitudes over 80,000 feet, much higher than any commercial or military aircraft would fly. In light of this data, the equipment on the ship was tested to ensure it wasn’t malfunctioning. However, no faults were discovered.

On the afternoon the objects suddenly appeared again, the two F/A 18 Hornets were sent to intercept them. One of the pilots that day was David Fravor. He recalled that as they approached the location, there was no sign of anything unusual in the sky. However, he did notice some kind of “disturbance” in the water below, elaborating that it appeared as if there was a solid object below the surface of the water, which was “churning with white waves!” Several moments later, although he didn’t see it break the surface, he could see an object approximately 50 feet above the water. He stated the object was at least 40 feet long and “shaped like a Tic-Tac” with no wings, rotors, or any visible means of propulsion evident, and was white in color. He also described how the object moved with bizarre sharp movements that were “similar to if you threw a ping-pong ball against the wall!”

As Fravor brought his fighter around the craft, he could see that it was now ascending in his direction, accelerating “beyond anything I’ve seen!” It then crossed the nose of his fighter before it disappeared into the distance in no more than a second. Fravor’s wingman, an anonymous female pilot, described the mysterious craft almost identically to Fravor, stating that its movements were “unpredictable” with “high G, rapid velocity (and) rapid acceleration!” As the object disappeared into the distance, more fighters were scrambled from the USS Princeton. It was from the onboard camera on one of these jets – piloted by Chad Underwood – that the now-famous footage was captured.

The encounter eventually entered into the public arena courtesy of an investigation and article by the New York Times, with the footage being leaked shortly after. The newspaper also revealed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) – a “shadowy” program of the Defense Department that they claimed was a “pet project” of the (then) Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who was known to have an interest in UFO sightings and encounters. In another twist to the entire affair, the Defense Department told the New York Times that the AATIP had indeed been operational but was closed in 2012. However, an apparent former employee – Luis Elizondo – came forward and claimed that the program was still very much alive and that he had worked for it right up until October 2017.

It was around this time that the first signs of change in the government’s stance on UFOs, at least publicly, began to show, offering “new guidelines” for reporting unidentified objects and an apparent altogether more serious approach. Moreover, a US Navy spokesperson stated that, in recent years, there had been “a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace!”

In late 2019, another thought-provoking story regarding UFO sightings appeared in the news when it was reported that “unknown individuals” forced Navy officers to erase video and radar evidence of unidentified objects. One person who made such claims was Petty Officer Third Class Jason Turner. Although he wasn’t inside the USS Princeton’s Combat Information Center, he was asked to deliver supplies to the ship’s Signal Exploitation Space – and when he did, he made some remarkable discoveries. He claimed to have seen footage playing on the console monitors – footage that was the (eventually) famous Tic-Tac UFO footage that was leaked in 2017. He claimed in the documentary Nimitz Encounters that the object was “going berserk” and making bizarre turns that would have put unbearable G-forces on the pilot. He further stated that he watched as the object suddenly stopped before it was “just gone – in an instant!” He eventually asked a close colleague who was stationed on the ship if what he was watching was a training drill, to which his friend responded, “No – this is real life!”

Another witness had a remarkably similar encounter to speak of. Ryan Weigelt was sent into the CIC area of the ship as the incident was unfolding. He also stated that he immediately noticed footage playing on the console monitors, footage he watched for several moments. Moreover, like Turner, Weigelt stated that the footage that he viewed in that room was “much longer” than the eventually leaked footage in 2017. He further stated that he was “in there for quite a while, and it was on the screen the whole time” he was there.

There was, however, a third witness who had been onboard the USS Princeton during that afternoon in November 2004. Gary Voorhis also claimed to have seen the video footage playing on the monitors in the CIC room, elaborating that what he viewed was at least “eight to 10 minutes long!” He further claimed that he “got a good sense of how the pilot was having a difficult time trying to keep up” with the anomalous object as it made “tight, right-angle turns!” One thing he was certain of was that he was not watching a conventional aircraft.

Perhaps, though, it was the claims of Petty Officer Patrick Hughes that raised most eyebrows. At the time of the incident, Hughes was onboard the USS Nimitz, completely unaware that anything out of the ordinary was underway. Part of Hughes’ duties was to secure the hard drive data recorders from the airborne early-warning aircraft. This data was termed “bricks” in military circles and documents what the “aircrew see during their flight.” Not long after he had secured these bricks for the afternoon of November 14th, 2004, he received a visit from two mysterious men who visited him with his commanding officer. Hughes had no idea who these strange individuals were, adding that “they were not on the ship earlier” and that he “didn’t see them come on!” it was, he elaborated as if they simply appeared out of nowhere. Ultimately, he was ordered to turn over the data bricks to the two suspicious men, which he duly did. They then promptly left, and he never saw them again, nor did he receive an explanation as to why they were or who they were.

If we return our attention back to Gary Voorhis onboard the USS Princeton for a moment, we can see that he had a very similar encounter. He recalled how “two guys” arrived on the vessel via a helicopter. He was summoned around 20 minutes later and received orders to “turn over all the data recordings for the AEGIS system!” After doing so, he was then ordered to “erase anything” that had been recorded that day. Incidentally, Voorhis offered that the only other time he received such orders was following one of their aircraft crashing during a combat operation.

Needless to say, it is clear to most people – inside and outside the UFO community – that something out of the ordinary took place that November 2004 afternoon off the coast of San Diego, and furthermore, that there appeared to have been a considerable effort to suppress any knowledge of the incident at the time, despite the admission of the video’s authenticity a little over a decade later.

Now would perhaps be a good time to examine what exactly the previously mentioned David Grusch said. While he is far from the only whistleblower to come forward with alleged revelations regarding UFO secrecy, his testimony and interviews before and since certainly captured the imagination of the media and public alike. In the same vein, opinions on his claims – including in the UFO community - are generally divided, with some people even suggesting that his claims are part of some kind of counterbalancing disinformation campaign as a response to the intense attention placed on the Pentagon by the leaked UFO videos several years previously. With that said, many of the details offered in Grush’s testimony ring true against details that have surfaced in multiple different independent investigations into the UFO mysteries.

Although Grusch had filed several grievances regarding the government and UFO secrecy in 2022, it was in the summer of 2023 that he really came to prominence following his giving evidence in front of the House of Representatives hearing into UFOs (or UAPs), not least because of his seemingly stellar background. Before making his claims in 2023, he was a decorated combat veteran in Afghanistan before going on to work as an intelligence officer in the United States Air Force, including the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). It was during his time in intelligence that he found himself working with the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, a position he left in April 2023, only several weeks before making his shocking claims.  

It was while he was working with his UAP Task Force that he seemingly discovered evidence of a cover-up of monumental proportions regarding UFOs and the intelligence behind them. In part, in response to this, he was instrumental in the setting up of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023, an act that essentially protected whistleblowers. It was around the same time that this act was passed that Grusch made his remarkable claims. Moreover, he not only made them in front of Congress for the whole world to see, but made further claims in interviews with two different media platforms.

Around a month before appearing at the House of Representatives hearing, in early June 2023, Grusch took part in two extensive interviews, one with The Debrief and one with NewsNation. In these interviews, he stated that during his time working with the UAP Task Force he learned the United States military had recovered “non-human origin technical vehicles!” Moreover, rather than just one or even two of these vehicles, the military had recovered “quite a number!” He eventually started investigating further, and when he was refused access to files concerning a “crashed vehicle of unknown origin,” he fully suspected a huge cover-up and suppression of evidence was taking place.

He stated to NewsNation that, to begin with, he “thought it was totally nuts” and that he was “being deceived!” Then, as word of his tenacious interest leaked around the intelligence community, more and more intelligence agents discreetly approached him with what they knew, several of whom confided in him that “they were part of a program!” He continued that although they named this program, it was one that he had not heard of, and they elaborated that this program was one “that the UAP Task Force was not read into!”

Grusch continued that, as well as the vehicles themselves, quite often, the occupants were also recovered as part of this secretive program – and these occupants were also non-human. He was, perhaps interestingly, hesitant to use the term “alien” as most people would understand it. He claimed that these occupants might not be arriving here from the deep reaches of space as most of us might imagine but perhaps were “coming from a different physical dimension as described in quantum physics!” He elaborated that “mathematically and based on empirical observation and analysis, there most likely are physical, additional spatial dimensions” all around us. Moreover, at least some of these dimensions could exist in a “higher physical space,” which, in turn, could provide habitation for non-human intelligence.  

Here, it is worth pointing out how close such considerations are to other researchers who have put forward that aliens, as most of us understand them, are, in fact, better described as interdimensional entities. One such person is the controversial David Icke, who claims, in its basic sense, that reptilian entities enter our world from another dimension, a realm that Icke calls the “lower fourth dimension!” He elaborates that they are essentially invisible to humans as they vibrate at a different frequency but that they enter our world by adjusting this frequency. Is it possible that Grusch is describing the same realm?  

Grusch also made further enthralling claims about the composition of these futuristic vehicles, offering that they contained exceptionally high isotopic ratios and “strange, heavy atomic metals” that were “high up on the Periodic Table!” He further stated that these materials were still being fully understood by the scientists who had access to them. He also stated that although there had already been significant “discoveries and revelations,” it was his belief that by opening up such research to the private sector and increasing transparency of said research, this progress would be increased dramatically and could be put to use for the betterment of humanity as opposed to being studied purely for weaponry - such things as propulsion, cleaner energy, and food production, for example. Before we explore those possibilities and examine some of Grusch’s further thoughts and revelations, we will turn our attention to one of the most captivating parts of his testimony.

Arguably, some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking details provided by Grusch were that not only were the American government supposedly engaged in the reverse-engineering of alien technology, but they had in their possession – since the end of the Second World War, no less – a downed UFO that crashed in Mussolini’s Italy in 1933. And while such claims might be easy to dismiss, to begin with, there is ample reason to believe that such an event did indeed take place. Moreover, as we shall explore shortly, documents exist that would appear to suggest the shared development of some kind of advanced technology between the Italian regime and the Third Reich in the run-up to and during the Second World War, as well as the changing hands of vast sums of money between the two nations during the same time.

The best place to start attempting to unravel all of this is with files that were leaked to researcher Roberto Pinotti in 1996, who, along with fellow investigator Alfredo Lissoni, dug deeper into them. According to these files, on the evening of June 13th, 1933, a bell or cigar-shaped object came crashing to the ground in the Lombardy region of Italy. The ruins of this otherworldly craft were quickly recovered and confiscated by the Italian authorities. A short time after, the secretive department – Cabinet RS/33 – was established. This department was based at La Sapienza University in Rome, with the only controllers being Benito Mussolini himself, his son-in-law, and his Foreign Minister, Count Glezzo Ciano, and Airman General Italo Balbo. As well as having direct connections to the Fascist Secret Police (OVRA), they also had strong connections to the Agenzia Stefani, who controlled the Italian news outlets – and propaganda.

The documents themselves make for interesting reading, with some outlining how anyone speaking of the events in Lombardy faced arrest and criminal charges. One document, for example, a telegram from June 1933, states that these orders came directly from Mussolini himself and that there would be “immediate arrest (for) diffusion of news related to aircraft of (an) unknown nature and origin!” The telegram continued that “immediate recasting of any leads from the newspapers bearing said news is ordered (to) stop!” The telegrams stated there would be “maximum penalties” for anyone failing to adhere to these orders while another stated that “absolute silence is ordered on (the) presumed landing on national soil of (an) unknown aircraft!” Even more remarkable, another telegram ordered that the incident should be explained as a “meteor,” as per the official news releases of Agenzia Stefani.

Other files leaked to Pinotti documented the activities of Cabinet RS/33, offering that multiple top-level scientists were undertaking secret studies of the wreckage in an attempt to gain an understanding of the object's workings and mechanisms. One of these scientists, incidentally, was Guglielmo Marconi, who also believed that it was possible to communicate with extraterrestrial beings using radio transmissions.

Of course, it is not known and doubtful that any such cosmic communication took place between an intelligence from elsewhere and the Italian regime. However, it is interesting to note some of the wording in a speech by Mussolini in March 1941, when the Italians, and indeed all of Europe, anticipated the Americans entering the Second World War. He stated that it was “more likely that the United States will be invaded by unknown but war-like inhabitants from the planet Mars, who will come down from the starry space on unimaginable flying fortresses than by soldiers of the Axis!” Whether Mussolini was merely making an off-the-cuff remark or whether he had indeed gained some kind of knowledge courtesy of the workings of Cabinet RS/33 remains open to debate.

What is also interesting to note is how the workings and set-up of Cabinet RS/33, including its goals and agendas, is almost identical to the MJ-12 group that was set up in the United States following the end of the Second World War in the late 1940s. We might ask if MJ-12 was, for all intents and purposes, simply carrying on the work of Cabinet RS/33.

There were many other UFO sightings over Italy following this downed craft in 1933 and the setting up of Cabinet RS/33, and those who dared to speak about what they might have seen continued to face arrest and imprisonment until the fall of Mussolini’s regime. One sighting that was well-documented, though, occurred three years later in Venice.

According to details on a document dated August 22nd, 1936, written by an Italian secret agent named “Andrea,” on the afternoon of August 17th, 1936, multiple residents of Venice witnessed a metallic, cigar-shaped object moving overhead. At the back of this huge object was some kind of opening, out of which two smaller, disc-shaped craft emerged. These metallic discs were “polished and reflected light!”

Two fighters were immediately scrambled to intercept the two smaller aerial vehicles, but they proved to be much too fast for the Italian aircraft. Despite their great speed, none of the objects “emitted any sound” – something that would show up in report after report over the coming decades from witnesses around the world. Further descriptions state that the larger object was “like a kind of aerial torpedo with very clear windows and with alternating white and red lights,” while the two smaller objects were like “two hats like those used by priests – they were wide, round with a dome in the center, metallic and followed the torpedo (shaped object) without changing their relative positions!”

Of course, whether there is a direct connection between this sighting over Venice in 1936 and the crashed UFO in Lombardy three years earlier remains open to debate. One particular section of the document is perhaps telling of Mussolini’s mindset regarding UFOs in general, however. It states that “The Duce (Mussolini) has expressed his worries because he says that if it was an English or French aircraft, his foreign policy would have to start all over again!”

This perhaps suggests to us one of two possibilities, and that rather than simply assuming the object witnessed over Venice was a vehicle from another world, Mussolini was either – not fully aware of the otherworldly nature of the craft recovered in Lombardy three years earlier (which is unlikely), or that he was completely aware of the otherworldly nature of the craft, but suspected that other countries might have recovered their own “alien vehicles” and had managed to fully reverse-engineer them.  

Whatever the truth of the matter, Pinotti and Lissoni’s investigation led them to conclude that the wreckage from the 1933 crash was taken to SIAI Marchetti in Vergiate, an air base in Magenta near Milan. It remained there until the end of the Second World War where it was, according to their investigation, recovered by the American military.

If we return to David Grusch for a moment, what he stated in his testimony resonates very nicely with this. He offered that, “In 1933, a bell-like craft, around 10 meters in size, was recovered in Magenta, northern Italy. It was kept by Mussolini’s government until 1944 when it was recovered by agents of the Office of Strategic Services!” Of course, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency, better known as the CIA. Even more suspicious, the air base facilities at Magenta suffered no damage during the conflict, despite numerous bombing raids by Allied forces in the region. This could suggest that at least some high-ranking officers in the military – American, British, or both – were fully aware before the end of the war that the Italian military was in possession of a vehicle from another world and where it was stored. As such, they could have issued orders to avoid causing any damage to the facility so that they could recover the craft for themselves following Italy’s increasingly likely (and eventual) defeat and the end of the war, at least in Europe.

Adding even further credibility to the claims of a downed craft in 1930s Italy are those of long-time Lombardy resident, Marco Negri, who claimed that his great-great-grandfather had told his father, who, in turn, had told him, stories of a “strange metal plane that crashed somewhere between Vergiate and Magenta in 1933!” In a newspaper interview, Negri elaborated that he was told there was “a big censorship around this crash. The Fascist Secret Police were sent to the surrounding cities to keep people silent about it!”

Even more remarkable, as well as the wreckage itself, Negri stated that “two bodies” were also recovered, presumably extraterrestrial in origin. Another researcher – George Filer – also uncovered claims of two occupants being recovered from the wreckage of the 1933 crash, occupants he claimed were “tall blond Nordic” aliens. It is perhaps interesting to note that many close UFO encounters of the 1950s, not just across America but around the world, featured these tall, blond-haired humanoid “Nordic” aliens. Moreover, at least according to some researchers, before meeting with representatives of the Grey alien race, President Eisenhower was said to have met with representatives from a Nordic alien race. Could they have been from the same alien race as the occupants of the 1933 Lombardy crash? 

Of course, whether the bodies of the occupants were recovered and whether they were transported to America along with the wreckage of the craft after the war remains unknown. One thing of interest to note here, however, would be the apparent sudden advancement of Italian aviation in the years following the alleged recovery of the crashed UFO. Writing in the book UFO Contacts in Italy, Volume Two, the previously mentioned Roberto Pinotti states that:

“…just before the Second World War, the Italians were able to produce the prototype of the first jet airplane in history (the Campini Caproni 1). But we also know that the aviation industry in Italy was the last in Western Europe at the end of World War One. So the question is: can it be that the study of the UFO stored in hangars near Milano gave the Italians the needed technology?...”

It is certainly an interesting consideration and perhaps one not to be dismissed too quickly. Especially when, if we accept that the wreckage of this craft, presumably along with the records of any research into it, was transported to the United States shortly after the war, the same trend continued in the United States with its air force. In fact, the pace of advancement in multiple technical areas, particularly in America, increased dramatically as the fifties and sixties unfolded. Might this have been due to the reverse-engineering of recovered alien vehicles, not only the Lombardy wreckage but the Roswell craft and several others in the United States during the 1940s?

Of even further interest are apparent connections to secret arrangements between the Italian regime and the Third Reich. The previously mentioned Alfredo Lissoni highlights such communication in the many documents that came into his possession, particularly an Agency Stefani message that documented a meeting that took place in 1938. This meeting was “extremely private” and “dedicated to the RS/33 Cabinet!” These documents further relay that significant “black funds” changed sides between the two regimes (perhaps similar to the “black budget” funds that can be found in the background of American intelligence departments following the end of the Second World War and the start of the Modern UFO Era).

Lissoni concluded that these documents “demonstrated the existence of agreements between Hitler and Mussolini for the study of alien technology!” While perhaps being a little more cautious in his conclusions, offering that much of the information and rumors were “unabashed neo-Nazi propaganda,” he also offered that “undoubtedly there is at least some truth to the matter!”

Could it be that there are even more connections to be found in these apparent reverse-engineering projects between the Italian regime and the Third Reich in the Third Reich’s own “flying saucer program” – the Haunebu Project? Taking this further, could these reverse-engineering projects in war-torn Europe have continued in the United States after the war following such missions as Operation Paperclip, which saw many Third Reich scientists and engineers transplanted to the United States to continue their work for The West?

It is perhaps further interesting to note the apparent bell shape of the object. Is it a coincidence that the Third Reich – if we accept that some kind of information-sharing and joint-development programs did take place – developed a bell-shaped object in the form of Die Glocke towards the end of World War Two? While it is speculative, the technology behind Die Glocke may be the same or similar to an alleged secret device of the Vatican – The Chronovisor – that Italian physicists developed after the war with the aid of former Third Reich scientist and Paperclip transfer, Wernher von Braun.

Could it really be that claims of an otherworldly craft crashing to the ground in 1930s Italy have much more accuracy to them than many people might be willing to believe? And if those claims are true, then should we automatically believe David Grusch’s other claims concerning reverse-engineered technology and the American government’s active programs and projects concerning vehicles and intelligent life from elsewhere in the Universe? Ultimately, these speculative events could prove to be of high importance to both the UFO and the historical timeline of not only the twentieth century but of humanity as a whole.

Ultimately, Grusch claimed that he “started out as a non-believer” who came to “the problem as a hardcore physics guy intel officer!” He continued that he was “very methodical, interviewing people who didn’t know each other and making sure this wasn’t some kind of cover-up of some other program!” It was, he claimed, when he attempted to gain access to the program that his investigation was “stymied” and “the door shut in my face!” It was at this point that Grusch picked up on a “sophisticated disinformation campaign” surrounding UFOs and the intelligence behind them. He highlighted how the Roswell crash in July 1947 had seen the government do a very public U-turn on what the object was, going from being a “flying saucer” to a weather balloon within 24 hours. Furthermore, when the Roswell event was officially reexamined almost half a century later in 1994, Grusch stated that the “analysis they did was a total hack job” and was nothing more than an attempt to paint the Roswell crash as debunked once and for all.

The revelations from Grusch, however, kept on coming. He claimed that it was his belief – based on what he had learned – that this non-human intelligence wished to “understand how far advanced in our nuclear fissile kind of technologies” humanity is. Moreover, and of much more concern, it is also his belief that this non-human intelligence was malevolent in nature, stating that it was a complete “fallacy” to think that “because they’re advanced, they’re kind!” Even more concerning still, he had learned that this “malevolent activity” had already been displayed during “nuclear site probing activities and witness testimony!” Once more, this is another detail that resonates nicely with what has already been established by multiple UFO investigations and studies over the decades. The start of the Modern UFO Era, for example, began with the Roswell crash in the summer of 1947, which occurred only two years after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and there have been multiple reports of UFO activity of nuclear power plants and over military facilities that house nuclear weapons (we might recall that the USS Princeton at the center of the USS Nimitz footage also had nuclear facilities and capabilities).

Much more ominous are claims that as well as the deaths of some of these non-human intelligent entities, many of the people who were a part of the recovery missions, as well as the scientists and engineers who were involved with the reverse-engineering programs, “were injured looking at it,” adding there seemed to be significant “nuclear, radiological, and biological risks to looking at an unknown” object. More unsettling was Grusch’s response to being asked if anyone working with the recovered vehicles or non-human entities had been seriously injured or even killed. Although he didn’t answer the question directly, he did state that he had been “briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that,” adding that if he got into the specifics of these deadly events, they would “reveal certain US classified operations!” Just what those operations might have been remains an unnerving mystery.

It is also worth considering the claims of alleged deals reached between President Eisenhower and representatives of the Grey alien race in February 1954, a deal, if we accept for a moment the claims are accurate, that saw multiple advanced technologies gifted to the United States government in exchange for access to members of the American, and perhaps the world’s, population – essentially, to abduct them. While we won’t get into the specifics as to whether such claims hold water and are accurate here, we will highlight a line in an internal document written by Grusch that speaks about certain “agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy!” Make of that what you will, especially when we consider his response that he was aware of “white collar crime at the very least” when asked if any person had been injured or killed by those looking to maintain secrecy over what the government knew about UFOs. Most ominous of all, he claimed that he had “heard some really un-American things” that he didn’t wish to repeat.

As we might imagine, although Grusch has volunteered a wealth of information, there are many who ask the simple question, “Where is the evidence?” By his own admission, Grusch hasn’t seen any of these recovered advanced vehicles with his own eyes, nor has he seen any of the non-human occupants. He has, though, seen “some interesting photos” and “read some very interesting reports!” However, these reports remain classified, meaning that he can’t disclose them. Indeed, many ask, given he has already said much more than the authorities would like, that he might also go as far as to “leak” such documentation. Grusch did say, however, that he had “provided the proof internally to the inspector general!”

Of course, we also have to consider – as some commentators and members of the public have - that these events have been orchestrated, possibly some kind of “damage control” in the wake of the leaked videos and the New York Times investigation. By offering information on an alleged UFO crash almost a hundred years ago – information that, for the sake of argument for a moment, is accurate – other, more outlandish claims can be issued as part of a disinformation campaign that only serves to obscure the real truth of the UFO and alien question.

Whatever the truth at the heart of Grusch’s claims, he offered that he believes the real reasons for such secrecy surrounding UFOs and the reverse-engineering of them was simply “feudalistic dominance” and that it served as “fuel in the war machine!”

With all of this in mind, we might ask just how close we actually are to UFO disclosure and, perhaps more precisely, just what will UFO disclosure look like. To some people, disclosure would have to be a complete reveal of not only what the government knows (or thinks it knows) about this apparent non-human intelligence but also physical presentations of the allegedly recovered crafts and even alien bodies. It has to be said, even if governments around the world – including the United States government – suddenly did decide to reveal everything they knew, it is doubtful it would be done in such a public and sensational way.

Of course, world governments, perhaps specifically successive governments of the United States, assuming there was a genuine desire to suddenly reveal whatever truths they have about the UFO mystery, have put themselves in a rather difficult position, as to many, whatever they did eventually state publicly, many members of the world’s population will simply not believe them, basing their reaction on decades of information suppression and outright lies and denials. And while there are almost certainly legitimate national security reasons behind some of these decisions, the general public, at least some of them, are so conditioned to be suspicious of government admissions and revealing of information that nothing short of guided tours of their most private facilities where this stuff is presumably housed will be sufficient for many. Much the same can be said if the government offered that they had no recovered crafts or knowledge – even if they were being completely honest.

Indeed, this general mistrust between governments and populations could prove to be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to full UFO disclosure, and if Grusch’s claims of this non-human intelligence being malevolent in nature are accurate, this could become a real concern.  We might ask what Grusch meant by this. Could it be that this non-human intelligence is aggressive and war-like? Or might it be something more in line with how we would understand demonic entities and evil forces? As bizarre as that might sound, even to some people in the UFO community, many researchers have put forward genuine claims of some kind of “demonic” connection to what we currently understand as alien beings. Moreover, many declassified and leaked government documents speak of such concerns at a high level of intelligence and government.

All of this, of course, simply adds another layer to the already nuanced considerations of the UFO and alien question and suggests that the already cloudy waters of the big picture will likely become much murkier with any releases of information before they clear. Not only could such revelations about the truth of UFOs and aliens tell us more about the universe, but they could also reveal more about our collective reality than we could have possibly imagined.

Ultimately, only time will tell how accurate and authentic the claims of David Grusch are. They will either prove to be historic in nature or simply a footnote in the UFO timeline.

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer and researcher who has explored all aspects of the paranormal and anomalous world for years. He has written for various websites and media platforms on subjects ranging from UFOs and aliens, ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, and ancient mysteries, as well as writing multiple scripts for online shows, documentaries, and podcasts. He also appears regularly on podcasts and videocasts discussing these fascinating subjects.

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