Mar 07, 2025 I Paul Seaburn

Blob Aliens, King King Bigfoot, Gifted Child UFO Hunter, First 2025 Nessie Sighting and More Mysterious News Briefly

A roundup of mysterious, paranormal and strange news stories from the past week. 

The first unofficial, on-site report of the Loch Ness Monster in 2025 was made by an unnamed witness at Dores Beach, considered to be a prime spot for Nessie viewing; the witness gave a recording to The Loch Ness Centre, located in the old Drumnadrochit Hotel, where general manager Nagina Ishaq said this of the video: "We’ve had numerous observations over the years, but this recent sighting has been particularly captivating. The conditions on the day of this sighting were absolutely perfect. This could very well be our first significant sighting of the year, further fueling the mystery surrounding Loch Ness and its most famous resident". If Nessie is a ‘resident’, it needs to start paying taxes and showing up at town hall meetings.

Now that the first Nessie sighting of 2025 has unofficially occurred, the Loch Ness Centre is recruiting a captain to navigate their Deepscan Cruise vessel on monster-hunting trips with a daily salary of $230 (£180); while the “skipper” needs to have experience with the boat’s state-of-the-art Nessie-seeking sonar, they must also have “a passion for storytelling In order to give guests unique insight into famous monster sightings as well as sharing the history of the world’s most famous loch”; while it sounds like fun, the job is only from April to October. It helps to be able to keep smiling as you say for the 20th time that day: “No ma’am – that’s a log”.

Joe McMoneagle spoke on a podcast recently to introduce a new generation of listeners to his career as a member of the highly-classified psychic military program known as the Stargate Project, where McMoneagle worked as a remote viewer; in the interview, he talks about seeing huge pyramid structures on Mars with giant humans living inside them; he was told this was “Mars 1,000,000 BC” and was later given photographic negatives of the coordinates he was given to view and they show a pyramid-shaped structure on the edge of a giant crater; McMoneagle said there was once a red light coming from it and NASA has more information like it but “they're just not talking about it”; he says life on Mars ended when a “big object passed through our solar system” and stripped the atmosphere from the planet; because he believes the negatives prove the existence of the pyramids and beings he remotely viewed, McMoneagle says further analysis is needed. Good luck getting anyone in government to publicly or even remotely acknowledge remote viewing.

In Pennsylvania, a witness identified only as ‘M.K.’ submitted a report to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) concerning two encounters with a ‘King Kong’-sized Bigfoot while hunting for raccoons along Spring Creek just north of State College (home of Penn State) and southeast of Bellefonte; he claims to have heard a strange sound while issuing his raccoon call and had a stone apparently thrown at him; in the second encounter, he heard a ‘knock’, saw some movement, shined a light and saw the creature “dead in the face” about 40 yards away; he described a face like King Kong in the latest movie but “the nose was sharper”, the hair was greyish , the mouth was “thin-lipped” and the jaw was “not sharp like a human’s, more a rounded, blocky chin”; MK did not get any photos but BFRO points out that Pennsylvania is a prime Bigfoot state. Would King Kong be impressed or insulted by this comparison?

Are you SURE it was King Kong-sized?

Prehistoric decapitated skulls with giant spikes driven through them have long mystified researchers in Spain where they were found so a new study analyzed seven severed skulls from two archaeological sites on the southeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula to determine where their owners came from; using strontium isotope analysis, which links the element strontium in bones and teeth to the foods a person ate and where they were grown, and found that that three out of four severed heads at the site of Puig Castellar came from nonlocal people, and at the site of Ullastret only one of the three skulls came from a nonlocal person; this indicates that the spikes were used to attach the skulls to walls as a way of intimidating their enemies and also to honor their ancestors. They were probably happy when someone invented paint, canvas and picture hangers.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) investigated a video of what the witness claimed were Bigfoot tracks near the Kenyon Hills Preserve in southern Maine; the tracks were seen on February 16, 2025, and a BFRO investigator noted "the tracks were approximately 7’–8’ apart" and went for about  150 feet; the snow was thin in depth and BFRO founder Matt Moneymaker indicated that the tracks were not from an animal or a human but were "authentic Bigfoot snow tracks"; Moneymaker further stated that the lack of broken branches was due to them bending instead, and he believed the Bigfoot was not concerned about its tracks being discovered because it knew snow would soon cover them. Does Bigfoot get its weather forecasts from watching the Weather Channel through windows or talking to groundhogs?

The battle between UFO researchers continues in a recent interview where Dr. Steven Greer calls fellow researcher and government UFO whistleblower Luis Elizondo a "Master of Disinformation" who is being used by a "cabal" to maintain secrecy and deceive the public about UFOs and aliens; Greer says his own intelligence sources tell him that high-ranking operatives within agencies like the CIA are aware of this disinformation effort by powerful groups orchestrating a false alien threat to manipulate the public, increase military spending and take away civil liberties in the name of security; Greer sees this deception about extraterrestrials and manipulation of information for political, economic, and strategic purposes as reasons to question all alleged efforts at UFO disclosure. Should we believe this or was it part of the effort to deceive the public? (It’s not so easy, is it?)

At the recent Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, the firm Engineered Arts presented the latest version of Ameca, which is considered to be the most advanced humanoid robot with realistic facial expressions, ear microphones, binocular eye-mounted cameras, a chest camera, facial recognition software and AI-powered speech; when asked if robots will take all of our jobs, Ameca replied, “I don't know, how good are you at your job? It depends how good you are at it I suppose”; when asked if robots are going to take over the world, Ameca replied, “That's an interesting question, but not interesting for me to answer”. Is the chest camera there to track where guys look while talking to her?

How long before we can't tell them apart?

In bizarre health news, Canadian Brent Chapman is blind in both eyes because of a rare autoimmune disease known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and has undergone 50 surgeries in attempts to restore his sight; now his hopes are on osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis (OOKP) or ‘tooth in eye’ surgery where one of his own teeth will be implanted into his eye to create an artificial cornea by drilling a hole in the tooth and putting a plastic optical lens inside of it; the tooth must first be implanted in his cheek for three months so that it can build up a layer of connective tissue which helps keep the body from rejecting it; the surgery has restored the sight of an Australian woman who can now see well enough to snow ski. This sounds like a dental hygienist’s worst nightmare.

Archeologists excavating crypts at the fifth-century CE Byzantine monastery at Khirbat el-Masani near the Old City of Jerusalem found one containing the remains of an individual strangely wrapped in chains; the chains were not to keep the person from rising vampire-style but were instead worn during their life as symbol of their religious ascetic lifestyle, and that led researchers from the Israel Antiquities Authority to assume it was a male; a new study reveals that further research using the peptides in their tooth enamel helped identify the person as a female who died between the ages of 30 and 60; study co-author Elisabetta Boaretto, an archaeologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, notes "it's much rarer to find accounts of women using chains in the same way" as male aesthetics; the chains were meant to restrict their physical movements so that “they created space for their minds and hearts to turn solely to God" and she was buried in them to honor her sacrifice. This practice probably didn’t help in recruiting.

Longtime UK UFO researcher Malcolm Robinson revealed in a recent interview that his work has shown that " the UFO enigma is real, very real, it has been with us throughout time” and warns that aliens “have an agenda” for coming but “don't come in peace” and cites as evidence “the thousands of UFO abductions worldwide". Does anyone come in peace anymore?

Anna Mills, who goes by ‘@annamillsxo23’ on TikTok, presents in a video that she was in her school’s Gifted And Talented Education program (GATE) in the early 2000s and believes the classes may have been a part of the Pentagon's secret UFO unit; she presents as evidence a decoding worksheet from 2004 titled 'A Strange Message' which when solved reads: “Fellow Colonists, the mother ship from Zorex landed on Earth last week Earth time in Peru. Our oneness visited the Yucatan and Egypt before moving the ship to its present location. 'It now awaits our gathering. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let our minds reveal the ship's location. Our oneness will direct our way. Fear no human intervention. The ship is a fifth-dimensional model invisible to normal Earth eyes. 'We may attend the gathering of minds in our Earth forms or through astral projection. Those using non-human forms or assigned to underwater lives will use astral powers. Peace, oneofus”; Mills points out that there were reports of UFOs in those three countries during 2004 and gives details from witnesses; however, she admits that none of the sightings were officially verified and she has no other evidence linking them to the decoding sheet message. It doesn’t take a gifted student to connect dots.

Were these children being secretly indoctrinated? 

Egypt’s pyramids get all of the media attention and what’s left typically goes to those in Mexico, but there are also pyramids in El Salvador and that is where archeologists discovered 2,400-year-old puppets made of ceramic on top of a large pyramid; the puppets, depicting four females and one male, were first thought to be burial items but no remains were found; instead, a new study suspects they were used for public rituals because of their strange faces; lead author Jan Szymański, an archaeologist at the University of Warsaw, says, “One of the most striking features of the puppets is their dramatic facial expression, which changes depending on the angle that we look at them from"; the figures can be grinning, angry or scared; El Salvador was thought to be isolated from the rest of Central America, but figurines like these have been found in Guatemala, so Szymański suggests ancient El Salvador traded with people in what are now Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Even in ancient times, adults liked to scare kids with statues whose eyes followed you around and looked scary.

There is only one Great Wall of China but there are many minor walls in that country, and one discovered recently may push the start date for The Great Wall back 300 years; archeologists digging in the Changqing district of Jinan, East China's Shandong Province, found a 2,800-year-old fortified wall that predates the country's first emperor; China’s Global Times thinks it is part of the original Great Wall but Live Science talked to Gideon Shelach-Lavi, a professor of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who says it was built when China was divided into a number of different states that were constantly at war with each other so they were constantly building small walls for defense; Yuri Pines, a professor of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, calls it a "very important" discovery on a narrow mountain pass that could have been used to invade the state of Qi, but a newly discovered permanent garrison at the pass was probably manned by Qi soldiers who built the short narrow wall to block the pass. The “Great Wall of China” gets to keep the title.

Deep sea fisherman Roman Fedortsov, who works on a trawler in Murmansk in the northwest part of Russia, grossed out the Internet with videos of an alien-looking fish he caught in the northern Pacific Ocean – the fish had a bulbous body resembling a giant alien skull, shrunken eyes and a gaping mouth that many compared to 'Megamind', a cartoon character voiced by Will Ferrell, or 'The Dark Lord' from Harry Potter; Fedortsov is well known for the strange fish he nets so, after waiting until the speculation was unbearable, he revealed it was an Aptocyclus ventricosus, better known as a smooth lumpfish or smooth lumpsucker; he also confessed that the fish may have swelled up beyond normal size due to pressure changes between its deep sea home and the surface. We saw Smooth Lumpsucker open for Rough Cutt and Oysterhead.

We’d like for aliens to look enough like us that we’re not frightened or grossed out, yet dissimilar enough that we can identify them as ETs, but Oxford University biology professor Tim Coulson warns in The European magazine that they will probably look less like Vulcans and more like Jabba the Hutt; he says that while they will have the senses of vision, hearing, touch, and taste, and process information from their sense organs with a brain similar to ours, “this does not mean their eyes, ears, skin and nose will look like ours”; if he were a gambler,  he says he’d “put my money on them not being enormously athletic” because “it is possible that centuries of reliance on advanced tech means they have become sloth-like: slow, sluggish and largely sedentary. They may be bloated, slow-moving blobs – more Jabba the Hut than Chewbacca, perhaps even using robotic tech to help them move around much like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen does in the book Dune”. If that’s the case, don’t wear your gold bikini to the ‘Welcome Aliens!’ party.

In a recent interview, Robert Hastings, the author of "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites," discusses why he believes the Pentagon has been hiding the fact that UAP / UFOs have been tampering with our nation's nuclear weapons for decades; he also reveals that he himself has been abducted several times by non-human entities (NHI) since the 1980s through 2014; he describes one alien as “… clearly gray. Large bulbous head; I couldn't see the facial features, they were in the dark, but very thin frame about five feet tall”; he claims this alien and others “can move themselves and the humans they are abducting through solid objects, such as windows, doors, and closed walls. It is likely a quantum phenomenon; how they do it, we do not know”; Hastings also claims he has interviewed seven military veterans who were similarly abducted. One of these days some abductee will have the presence of mind to grab an ashtray or a beverage cup and we’ll finally have some concrete evidence to go along with these many stories.

 While it fits into the plots of many murder novels and true crime shows, using clairvoyants and psychics to help police find evidence and solve crimes is rarely admitted, even when it appears to be successful, because of the stigma and ridicule it can generate; this was evident in the UK when Devon and Cornwall Police issued a statement in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request that they have not engaged with nor paid for psychics, clairvoyants or mediums – despite the fact that at least three recorded instances in three years where psychics, clairvoyants or mediums contacted the Devon and Cornwall Police offering to help with criminal investigations; in a 2006 survey, every police force in England was asked if they had ever used a psychic and only the Metropolitan Police answered affirmatively, saying it used one in 1965. Drug-sniffing dogs and bomb-sniffing cockroaches are still OK.

Paul Seaburn

Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. He’s written for TV shows such as "The Tonight Show", "Politically Incorrect" and an award-winning children’s program. His new book, “What Would You Say to a Naked Space Alien?”, is a collection of his favorite stories of close encounters of the absurd kind. His “What in the World!” podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange stories and odd trivia. Paul likes to add a bit of humor to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious. For contact information, visit his web page.

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