MU Podcasts IAug 01, 2014

12.04 – MU Podcast

MU+ Extended

Australian Ufologist Damien Nott joins us in the studio this week to share his incredible UFO footage and his new Kickstarter campaign for the upcoming documentary project 'Haunted Skies'.

In 2012, after relocating to his Grandparent's home in a small Australian town, Damien found himself at the centre of a bizarre UFO flap that captured the attention of the Australian public, the national media, and the AirForce. With no end to the activity in sight, Damien began to film the skies above in an attempt to capture the strange phenomenon.

Damien Nott


Look closely for the three tiny white spheres in this next one. The first object appears between the clouds in the middle of the screen while the second object can be seen coming in from the top of the screen towards the right. The third is almost too fast to see and comes in from the bottom of the screen towards the right.


This episode is brought to you by The 2014 Paradigm Symposium. Get your tickets today!



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Benjamin Grundy

Benjamin Grundy started Mysterious Universe back in 2006. Every week he researches the fortean world and puts together the weekly free MU podcast, extended podcast and Plus + podcast alongside Aaron Wright.

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