MU Podcasts IDec 05, 2015

14.23 – MU Podcast

MU+ Extended

This week Frances Kermeen joins us to tell the story of the Myrtles, a twenty-eight-room Louisiana bed-and-breakfast with a dark and violent history. 

After taking ownership of the house Frances was drawn into incredible encounters with supernatural forces that would change her life forever.

Also featured is AI driven propaganda, spectrophilia, and the Return to Magonia.


Plus+ Extension

The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ members. To join, click HERE.


Benjamin Grundy

Benjamin Grundy started Mysterious Universe back in 2006. Every week he researches the fortean world and puts together the weekly free MU podcast, extended podcast and Plus + podcast alongside Aaron Wright.

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12.23 – MU Plus+ Podcast

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