Articles with Tag 'wales'

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32.08 - MU Podcast - Spirit Impostors
32.08 - MU Podcast - Spirit Impostors
32.08 IAug 30, 2024

32.08 - MU Podcast - Spirit Impostors

If you explore the world of spirit phenomena and ghostly experiences you quickly realize that there are many different forms one can encounter....

30.10 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Warp Bubble
30.10 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Warp Bubble
+30.10 ISep 04, 2024

30.10 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Warp Bubble

The decades-long cover-up of the reality behind the UFO phenomena may finally be coming to an end—or is it? Could the new wave...

30.09 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Demons of the Grove
30.09 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Demons of the Grove
+30.09 IAug 28, 2024

30.09 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Demons of the Grove

We follow the story of a woman whose many encounters with the supernatural led her to recognize patterns of similarities between paranormal fads...

32.07 - MU Podcast - Uncle Ponto's Indecent Proposal
32.07 - MU Podcast - Uncle Ponto's Indecent Proposal
32.07 IAug 23, 2024

32.07 - MU Podcast - Uncle Ponto's Indecent Proposal

Would you tolerate an irritating supernatural entity that constantly chatters if it helped advance your career? Some might say "yes " but their...

30.08 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Telhar Fields
30.08 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Telhar Fields
+30.08 IAug 21, 2024

30.08 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Telhar Fields

Imagine being able to see the fields and beams of energy that telepathically influence people all around the world. We explore the story...
