Ever wondered what a bat-winged monkey-bird is? No? Well we have and we found some great encounters to whet your beak. We also take a look at an amazing new robot out of Japan called Kuratas that shoots to kill with merely a grin.
It looks like humanity has its sights set on Mars with Mars One aiming to be on the surface by 2023. Elliot and Ben discuss!
Read on for show notes, music, books and video.
Study sinks 'women and children first' myth
High-stakes Mars mission relies on untried 'sky crane'
Challenges of Getting to Mars: Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror [Video]
Want a one-way ticket to Mars? A Dutch company is looking for you
The Mars Underground [Video]
HOW TO RIDE KURATAS - Suidobashi heavy industry
Drone pilots wait for a kill shot
Mutant Hares, Modern Satyrs and Centaurs
MIKE HALLOWELL: The Horse Man of Bede
The Shamanic Truth of Evil Spirits
Plus+ Content
Click here to get extended shows and more!
Immortality Project Gets $5 Million
On Tulpas, Guardian Angels, and Figments of the Imagination
An investment fund that makes trades based on superstitious beliefs
Guolizhuang – Beijing’ Famous Penis Restaurant
Episode artwork by kokoszkaa on DeviantArt.
Kuhn - Even Bears via Radio Magnetic
Shigeto - Huron River Drive via Tympanogram
Digits - Where Do You Belong? WE SINK Remix via Bad Panda Records
Onra - Hold Tight via brooklynvegan
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