MU Podcasts IMar 22, 2013

9.11 – MU Podcast

MU+ Extended

The uproar surrounding TED's removal of both Graham Hancock's and Rupert Sheldrake's recent conference talks give us plenty to discuss on this week's show. Is this a censorship of ideas that challenge the status quo and are 13 year olds really catching planes to Peru to become Ayahuasca Shamans because of Graham Hancock?

We also feature special guests Trish and Rob MacGregor to discuss their new book 'Aliens in the Backyard'.

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Trish and Rob MacGregor


Plus+ Extension

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Benjamin Grundy

Benjamin Grundy started Mysterious Universe back in 2006. Every week he researches the fortean world and puts together the weekly free MU podcast, extended podcast and Plus + podcast alongside Aaron Wright.

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