MU Podcasts IOct 11, 2013

10.14 – MU Podcast

MU+ Extended

Cyborg insects lead us to future warfare with Cyborg soldiers as we discuss the technology gap between the public sector and the classified world. The talk eventually leads us right into the middle of a Secret Space Program AKA "Solar Warden".

Also featured is the "One Mind" experience, remote viewing ancient myths, and Mexico's Zone of Silence.


Plus+ Extension

The extension of the show is exclusive to Plus+ Members. To learn how to join, click HERE.

Book Recommendations

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Ed Dames


Benjamin Grundy

Benjamin Grundy started Mysterious Universe back in 2006. Every week he researches the fortean world and puts together the weekly free MU podcast, extended podcast and Plus + podcast alongside Aaron Wright.

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8.13 – MU Plus+ Podcast

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