MU Podcasts IDec 21, 2024

32.24 - MU Podcast - Soul Snapping

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MU+ Extended

Throughout history, new technologies have always sparked apprehension and suspicion. However, arguably none have done so more than the camera, at least from a superstitious perspective. Traditional cultures even believed these modern marvels could steal a piece of your soul. Folklore, perhaps, but could there be something to such a concept? In this episode, we explore this outlandish idea and consider whether, from an energy or new age perspective, cameras and the people who use them could actually take and capture energy from their subjects. If so, what implications could this have for our modern reality? Then, for our Plus+ members, we look at some of the most unusual forms of psychedelic exploration and consider the unconventional techniques for entering and maintaining a psychedelic mind meld.

MU Returns for Season 33 on January 10, 2025. Merry Christmas!


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Aaron Wright

Aaron Wright is one half of the Mysterious Universe team who brings expertise in the sciences. Ben and he formed 8th Kind Pty Ltd in 2008 to take MU to the next level.

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