Articles with Tag 'devil'

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31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax
31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax
31.16 IApr 27, 2024

31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax

Crop circles is a subject of heated debate among both paranormal enthusiasts and scientists. However there might be deeper more profound explanations lurking...

29.15 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Others Within Us
29.15 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Others Within Us
+29.15 IApr 23, 2024

29.15 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Others Within Us

In the dimly lit corridors of therapists' offices worldwide whispers abound. Psychologists and allied practitioners in the mental health field encounter aspects of...

29.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Poggio's Preposterous Parchments
29.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Poggio's Preposterous Parchments
+29.14 IApr 16, 2024

29.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Poggio's Preposterous Parchments

The obscure and fringe theory that the Middle Ages didn't really exist has been floating around for quite some time. However the absurdity...

31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs
31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs
31.15 IApr 20, 2024

31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs

Strange things are said to lurk in the seaside mist of England's Cornwall—strange creatures occult groups and otherworldly entities are said to have...

31.14 - MU Podcast - Psychic Pre-Crime
31.14 - MU Podcast - Psychic Pre-Crime
31.14 IApr 13, 2024

31.14 - MU Podcast - Psychic Pre-Crime

Psychic phenomena permeates many aspects of our lives; however for some reason it is especially apparent in crime. Whether it's heightened emotions or...
