Articles with Tag 'Interstellar'

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30.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Project 8200
30.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Project 8200
+30.14 IOct 02, 2024

30.14 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Project 8200

In 1973 former police officer Pat Price conducted an unsanctioned “remote viewing” of four underground UFO bases delivering startling information that left researchers...

32.12 - MU Podcast - The Minion Imps
32.12 - MU Podcast - The Minion Imps
32.12 ISep 28, 2024

32.12 - MU Podcast - The Minion Imps

Encounters with non-human entities are never what they seem. They range from euphoric to downright terrifying yet how can one determine the nature...

30.13 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Supreme Leader Zorth
30.13 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Supreme Leader Zorth
+30.13 ISep 24, 2024

30.13 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Supreme Leader Zorth

For some people encounters with the unexplained can be terrifying yet fleeting occurrences. Most tend to brush the experience off as something odd...

32.13 - MU Podast - Navajo Rangers X-Ops
32.13 - MU Podast - Navajo Rangers X-Ops
32.13 IOct 05, 2024

32.13 - MU Podast - Navajo Rangers X-Ops

In this episode we explore the two decade career of Navajo Ranger Stanley Milford a Native American with Navajo and Cherokee roots who...

32.11 - MU Podcast - Sasquatch M.D.
32.11 - MU Podcast - Sasquatch M.D.
32.11 ISep 21, 2024

32.11 - MU Podcast - Sasquatch M.D.

We’ve heard some unusual Bigfoot stories over the years but sometimes there are cases that stand out as exceptionally strange. In this episode...
